Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

Yea, you can drive your vehicle into a crowd in Texas. First you make a plan and kill someone. Then get a pardon after a murder conviction if you kill the right type of person no doubt.

So he knew that someone in that crowd (that was illegally gathered in the street) was going to be carrying an AK-47?

And by "The right type of person" do you mean someone who he knew would threaten him with their AK-47?
Tell us more about how running a red light changes everything and how the governor hatched a plan to screw over BLM <lol>
None of Perry actions matter right? If you agree with them politically the person must be innocent. Lol
If his goal was to kill protesters, then why not take a gun that shot more bullets? Or take multiple guns?

This is where the "He planned it out" theory falls apart.
His diabolical plan was to trap and murder a single BLM guy that night. He knew the governor was going use his political powers to force the review board to recommend a pardon after one year. It was 8D checkers!!! <shadface>
None of the BLM guys actions matter right? If you agree with them politically the person must be guilty. Lol
Fosters lost his rights when Perry drove his car into the crowd I forgot.
By the right opportunity, do you mean if they were carrying an AK-47?
Or someone being too aggressive after he drove his car into the crowd, doubt he cared if they had a gun or not.
You keep spamming AK-47 to make the guy sound scary, but the fact is that both the gun and the carrying of the gun was perfectly legal.

Brandishing it is not though, nor is using it to threaten someone in their car.

Apparently this guy was known to use his "Scary gun" to intimidate people.
Then why didn't he shoot anyone else? A violent mob is certainly a threat.
"Violent mob" but not a Violent driver funny. Most of the the people run away from gun shots. Doesn't look good when you shoot people in the back.
Brandishing it is not though, nor is using it to threaten someone in their car.

Apparently this guy was known to use his "Scary gun" to intimidate people.
The other guy was known to be a racist that said he wanted to kill protestors. Open carry is not brandishing. Walking up to a car that just drove into a crowd is not threatening.
None of the BLM guys actions matter right? If you agree with them politically the person must be guilty. Lol
Tell me again what did Foster do to threaten Perry's life?
A crowd illegally blocking the street?
If a crowd is blocking a street then I would perceive that as a major threat indeed and have the right to vroom..vroom over as many of those wastes of skins as possible.
Anyone know who @Queen B alt is? I think i read its @Sinister , sounds about right. Seems counter productive to ban an account just to promote the turd behind it.
Its not Sinister. Queen B was just Queen B. He/she posted here and in the boxing forum for years. Pre War room, he wasn't such a horrible poster but was always trying to have an edgy take. He just played the same game in this forum but ramped up the edginess.
He's just flailing at this point <lol> "Protesting in the streets isn't blocking traffic ... Well cars can still maneuver around them"