Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

Nobody should be forced to "navigate" any crowd that's illegally blocking the street.
He's just flailing at this point <lol> "Protesting in the streets isn't blocking traffic ... Well cars can still maneuver around them"
"They were in the street so the driver had no responsibility, clean shoot. Owning the libs".
Carrying water for a dude who sexts underaged girls. I should not be surprised because of all the love that Pedo Dershowitz gets on Sherdog and Fox News just because he says what people want to hear.
Confirmation bias will even allow you to forget your morals.
It appears he did not "plow" into the protesters ileagly blocking the street. He did try to slowly proceed on the road which threw the protesters. Not the best ideal but legal. They surrounded his vehicle to ileagly detain him. Then one that was armed with an "ak" carrying the weapon in a ready position threatened him. He threatened him by having the weapon in a ready position. Not in a relaxed carry position but up in a ready position which is a threating position. The weapon was not pointed at the ground it was it appears to be pointed about hood level on the vehicle and he was standing in front of the vehicle blocking it. The driver did not cut loose on the crowd but only shot the person with the weapon.

The guy with the AK was legally carrying it. As far as I know anyway. However when he blocked the driver with it in a ready position to threaten the driver that was different.
It appears he did not "plow" into the protesters ileagly blocking the street. He did try to slowly proceed on the road which threw the protesters. Not the best ideal but legal. They surrounded his vehicle to ileagly detain him. Then one that was armed with an "ak" carrying the weapon in a ready position threatened him. He threatened him by having the weapon in a ready position. Not in a relaxed carry position but up in a ready position which is a threating position. The weapon was not pointed at the ground it was it appears to be pointed about hood level on the vehicle and he was standing in front of the vehicle blocking it. The driver did not cut loose on the crowd but only shot the person with the weapon.

The guy with the AK was legally carrying it. As far as I know anyway. However when he blocked the driver with it in a ready position to threaten the driver that was different.

To be fair, its hard to sympathise with anyone wandering round with guns in their hands.

If you've got a gun in your hands in a land of guns, you're maximising your chances of getting shot.

But he's still a terrorist and a murderer.
Dude was in the airforce lmao, the gun is clearly pointed down and not in a ready position, and certainly not pointed at the driver.
In that photo I don't even know how he could bring the weapon to bear when he's so close to the car and surrounded on all sides by other people.
Do you have a source on him being opposed to protest period?

Probably not, people can easily be opposed to certain people protesting certain things, but completely hypocritically be pro-protesting anything that affects themselves.

I would say that covers most non-empathetic people who for some reason can't understand why someone else might be driven to protest.
I acknowledge time/place/manner in my first post on this matter.

As I have always said Protester have a right to protest in the street. No one has a right to drive on the street. As a driver part of the privilege is to not run over pedestrians, that includes protesters.

Do wee need to go back over why Perry is guilty again?

If they were marching and not just standing in the street blocking traffic, then they weren't blocking traffic--they were exercising the right of way of pedestrians over motor vehicles. When a class of kindergarteners are following their caregiver single file across an intersection on a walking field trip, are they blocking traffic? That's utterly fucking moronic.

I wasn't on the jury so there's no way to be certain, but I don't see any way this could be considered self-defense by any reasonable person.
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Quote it.
Sigh. I'm not going to quote all your posts from the last four pages back to you. You know what you said. Evidence shows premeditation, they're not blocking traffic, and no weapon was trained on him when he opened fire. But it's still self-defense because it occurred on the street?
So if they jaywalk you get to drive you car into their midst?
No, but that's a pretty pathetic deflection away from your retarded comparison. No, teachers don't lead kindergarten classes across the middle of the street with no fucks given. They make a point to follow the rules of the road, and use crosswalks.

My God, you're embarrassingly dumb.
Sigh. I'm not going to quote all your posts from the last four pages back to you. You know what you said. Evidence shows premeditation, they're not blocking traffic, and no weapon was trained on him when he opened fire. But it's still self-defense because it occurred on the street?
I knew you wouldn't back up your claim. You can run along now.
I knew you wouldn't back up your claim. You can run along now.
Your posts in this thread back up my claims. Your claim as to why it's self defense is the protestors lack the right to be there, right? You know, because they're in the street, right?
Your posts in this thread back up my claims. Your claim as to why it's self defense is the protestors lack the right to be there, right? You know, because they're in the street, right?
Lol, no. I said he had a right to defense because he was boxed in and a retard came charging forward with AK thinking it made him a tough guy.

You're an imbecile and never fail to make yourself look stupid.