Crime TX man murders BLM protestor. Abbot vows to pardon murderer ASAP

There's no actual debate here.

A jury found him guilty and they had access to a hell of a lot more detail than we are. A lunatic politician (Abbott's list of insane act is pretty long) pardoned him because he knew it would play with his base. That politician's hand picked committee rubber stamped his pardon because they serve at his pleasure (he can fire and hire them at will) and do what he wants one hundred percent of the time. You're defending the pardon because you're a partisan hack and it was a progressive activist who was killed.

No debate.

If the BLM activist had been behind the wheel and had shot the racist scumbag to death exactly the same way, and was then pardoned, you'd scream bloody murder that progressives always get off Scot-Free.

I agree, there is no debate. The previous DA investigated along with 2 other law enforcement agencies and elected not to charge Perry. When the Soros DA bought his way in to the position, he RE-opened the case, and now the lead detective has come forward admitting the Soros DA coerced him to keep exculpatory evidence from the grand jury in order to get charges against Perry.

Perry never should’ve been charged for defending himself.
Blocking roads is hardly the crime of the century.

It doesn't need to be.

Back in the day, people would have been told that the only sort of protest that should take place was silently at the back of the bus.

But that doesn't make for an effective protest that anyone takes notice of.

I'm sure there are other alternative methods that would work instead of blocking roads, but someone, somewhere will present a grievance to whatever it is that's inconveniencing them regardless.
The whole "I bet you'd feel the same way about the Civil Rights riots." shtick just doesn't work. Nothing anybody is protesting today even approached the injustices that were being protested in the 60's.

No you are bringing the protest "blocking the road" up as a way to help justify this man's actions. Just like the other guys that know better yet are acting as water boys for this guy. "Its was an illegal protest", first prove that anyone from the city tired to stop the protest because it was "illegal". If the city condone them marching in peaceful protest that's hardly what we would call illegal.
We saw plenty of police departments told to stand down back during the 2020 protests. Whether or not police pursued someone is not the only indicator the law was broken.

Now let's move to "blocking" show me where there are intentionally blocking that section of the road to prevent traveling. Are they marching in the street yes, and as I have already gone over the streets are just as protected as place to protest as sidewalks, parks, ect.
Marching in the streets, fine. I'll throw you that bone. But get the hell out of the way of any car coming down the road. Nobody should be inconvenienced just because you feel strongly about something.

Now final even if the protesters are "illegally blocking" the road. The drive still doesn't magically gain the right to drive his car at them to provoke a reaction. The driver of a vehicle has a responsibility to try and avoid wrecks and hitting pedestrians. This mean you are forced to ensure that when something is obstructing your path way you have to avoid it, even protesters. You have absolutely no right to drive your vehicle on the road.

Who did he hit with his car?

Perry not only had a duty not to turn on to the road while there was no path for him to cross, when combined with his text and post we can find the motivation for him doing so. He was the provocator in this situation that led to the death of a man exercising his right to open carry. Foster doesn't lose his right to open carry simply because Perry is driving his car into the protesters.

Nobody said Foster didn't have a right to open carry. This is a straw man argument. Foster does not, however, have a right to open carry and just point the rifle at anybody he wants.
If the BLM activist had been behind the wheel and had shot the racist scumbag to death exactly the same way, and was then pardoned, you'd scream bloody murder that progressives always get off Scot-Free.
They lost their shit because of Kamala supporting the MFF (Minnesota Freedom Fund), which just helps poor people with bail... and because some did crimes post release, they should have been denied bail via the power of hindsight and she is somehow complicit.

If she supported pardons of those same people (or issued any)... they'd be calling for her to be charged.
We saw plenty of police departments told to stand down back during the 2020 protests. Whether or not police pursued someone is not the only indicator the law was broken.
I think this is by far the least of all the events that matter. Trying to press that the protest was "Illegal" will take a lot of effort. In this case check with the ACLU on their guide lines. While a lot of hate goes towards the ACLU they have represented far right activists in first amendment issues too. The city would have a major up hill battle trying to claim this was an "illegal" protest. So that line really falls flat. The city doesn't have to require people to get a permit, I don't know if one was issued or not.
Marching in the streets, fine. I'll throw you that bone. But get the hell out of the way of any car coming down the road. Nobody should be inconvenienced just because you feel strongly about something.
You don't have a right to drive or not be inconvenienced, so I don't see where this is some sticking point to try and justify the shooters action.
Who did he hit with his car?
When you drive into a garage do you hit anything? If so you probably shouldn't be driving. Driving into a crowd of people, even if you don't hit anyone can be an act of aggression, no?
Nobody said Foster didn't have a right to open carry. This is a straw man argument. Foster does not, however, have a right to open carry and just point the rifle at anybody he wants.
Yea prove he pointed his gun at Perry, the defense couldn't. So where did he lose his rights?
I think this is by far the least of all the events that matter. Trying to press that the protest was "Illegal" will take a lot of effort. In this case check with the ACLU on their guide lines. While a lot of hate goes towards the ACLU they have represented far right activists in first amendment issues too. The city would have a major up hill battle trying to claim this was an "illegal" protest. So that line really falls flat. The city doesn't have to require people to get a permit, I don't know if one was issued or not.

You don't have a right to drive or not be inconvenienced, so I don't see where this is some sticking point to try and justify the shooters action.

When you drive into a garage do you hit anything? If so you probably shouldn't be driving. Driving into a crowd of people, even if you don't hit anyone can be an act of aggression, no?

Yea prove he pointed his gun at Perry, the defense couldn't. So where did he lose his rights?
The idea that someone is warranted in running a person over for the crime of standing in the road is just so gross lol
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Marching in the streets, fine. I'll throw you that bone. But get the hell out of the way of any car coming down the road. Nobody should be inconvenienced just because you feel strongly about something.
Technically, any gathering or demonstration that blocks a road is illegal. Most jurisdictions consider blocking traffic an illegal activity and have rules to prosecute those who interfere with the normal flow of traffic. This includes blocking sidewalks, streets, light rail tracks, and freeways.
You don't have a right to drive or not be inconvenienced, so I don't see where this is some sticking point to try and justify the shooters action.
Dude. Blocking travel is an illegal activity. It often isn't prosecuted due to the local authority's decisions.

People blocking traffic isn't justification for shooting anyone. It's when people in that group who are blocking traffic start damaging a vehicle, refusing to let the vehicle pass through using a major roadway or threatening the driver/occupants that it becomes more of an issue.
Dude. Blocking travel is an illegal activity. It often isn't prosecuted due to the local authority's decisions.

People blocking traffic isn't justification for shooting anyone. It's when people in that group who are blocking traffic start damaging a vehicle, refusing to let the vehicle pass through using a major roadway or threatening the driver/occupants that it becomes more of an issue.

Witnesses said Foster waved Perry on after Perry drove into the crowd, in order to prevent the situation from escalating. Instead Perry shot and killed Foster.

The jury decided Perry could have driven slowly and safely out, and convicted.

I've only given this situation tertiary attention, as I usually do given a jury verdict. Do you not think the jury got it right?
Murder anyone who is annoying? Neighbor kid sets off fire cracker at 12am? Why, you could die in a car accident because of a loss of sleep! Shoot him.

Line jumper at Disney World getting in your way? Brain him with a pole. He is inconveniencing you!

If you do something illegal that makes anything else more difficult, you should get the death penalty. And I feel strongly about this because IIIIIIII never do anything annoying in traffic or otherwise.
Witnesses said Foster waved Perry on after Perry drove into the crowd, in order to prevent the situation from escalating. Instead Perry shot and killed Foster.

The jury decided Perry could have driven slowly and safely out, and convicted.

I've only given this situation tertiary attention, as I usually do given a jury verdict. Do you not think the jury got it right?
My comment wasn't directed at this exact situation. It was directed more at the indifference and acceptance of people blocking a roadway being acceptable.

I've probably given this less thought and attention than you. I don't know if the jury got anything right or wrong if it took a change at the DA's office to move forward with a trial. Especially if there was actually evidence not shared with lawyers.
Murder anyone who is annoying? Neighbor kid sets off fire cracker at 12am? Why, you could die in a car accident because of a loss of sleep! Shoot him.

Line jumper at Disney World getting in your way? Brain him with a pole. He is inconveniencing you!

If you do something illegal that makes anything else more difficult, you should get the death penalty. And I feel strongly about this because IIIIIIII never do anything annoying in traffic or otherwise.

Sarcasm? Because I kind of agree with most of your examples.

Except Disney World. I'd never go there. ;)
Murder anyone who is annoying? Neighbor kid sets off fire cracker at 12am? Why, you could die in a car accident because of a loss of sleep! Shoot him.

Tough sell for conservatives.

They condoned the truckers choking off the Ottawa city center for weeks and blaring their horns for weeks at all hours, right?

Surely they wouldn't hypocritically condemn making noise or blocking traffic?
Witnesses said Foster waved Perry on after Perry drove into the crowd, in order to prevent the situation from escalating. Instead Perry shot and killed Foster.

The jury decided Perry could have driven slowly and safely out, and convicted.

I've only given this situation tertiary attention, as I usually do given a jury verdict. Do you not think the jury got it right?
According to the lead investigator, witness statements were "inconsistent with prior interviews and video of portions of the incident." It clearly doesn't look like he's being waved through.
Dude. Blocking travel is an illegal activity. It often isn't prosecuted due to the local authority's decisions.

People blocking traffic isn't justification for shooting anyone. It's when people in that group who are blocking traffic start damaging a vehicle, refusing to let the vehicle pass through using a major roadway or threatening the driver/occupants that it becomes more of an issue.
Yea you can't block/prevent people from travel on a side walk or entering a business with a protest either. If the path is blocked you don't get to force your way through. Here's a post acknowledging that blocking a path way is illegal and that Protester are not suppose to block people from traveling.

Time/place/manner can put restrictions. Street are a long up held place of protest. You quoted something about "blocking" traffic that doesn't change that street have long been held as a public forum and used for protest. You can't block sidewalks or entry to a business, I suppose you think that makes it illegal to protest on

Should a person get pissed off when funeral procession blocks traffic? Should the push their way through because their path of travel is blocked? Surely your answer is no they shouldn't try to push their way through because traffic is blocked.
Tough sell for conservatives.

They condoned the truckers choking off the Ottawa city center for weeks and blaring their horns for weeks at all hours, right?

Surely they wouldn't hypocritically condemn making noise or blocking traffic?

Conservatives don't have an ideology other than conserving resources for themselves and maintaining shallow aesthetics. They can't even follow Jesus Christ or Ronald Reagan anymore because those liberal cucks don't know how to point and use hate the right way.

Conservatives are worse than Nazis, Labowski. At least Nazis have an ideology. Conservatives believe in nothing.
Conservatives don't have an ideology other than conserving resources for themselves and maintaining shallow aesthetics. They can't even follow Jesus Christ or Ronald Reagan anymore because those liberal cucks don't know how to point and use hate the right way.

Conservatives are worse than Nazis, Labowski. At least Nazis have an ideology. Conservatives believe in nothing.

American conservatives taught Hitler how to Nazi, he was very publicly impressed with how they treated black people.

The last American slave was freed during WWII for fear the propaganda would hurt them in world opinion.

And by freed I mean they found less obvious ways to enslave them in the south, and individuals couldn't own them any more.
American conservatives taught Hitler how to Nazi, he was very publicly impressed with how they treated black people.

The last American slave was freed during WWII for fear the propaganda would hurt them in world opinion.

And by freed I mean they found less obvious ways to enslave them in the south, and individuals couldn't own them any more.

Adolf also regarded the British Empire as a model for the Third Reich.

I miss the Good Old Days... 😈

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