Yikes 1-0 Perry please find more offense Ponz

Props to Platinum he is in fact #elite with improvements were seeing. Actually moving his head, and well.
1U ponz @ 2.63 after Perry bullrushed him and Ponz took him down with that spinning attack thing.
perry kinda looks like he's slowing down but ponz is fighting scared

nvm it looks like it's cause of his leg rather than cardio
perry has a chin on him. 1-1

ponz has a clear gameplan to victory now as long as he doesn't get caught, which is still very possible. perry's leg is getting destroyed
Damn.. 19-19

Perry is though as fuck.

Both guys are gassed. I think Ponzi is worse.
Ponzinibbio started landing on Perry after he eye poked him...

What a fucking cheater. This was a known factor going into this fight.