UFC is finished

I hear ya! No where near enough soccer mom and Japanese pro wrestler blood in these cards! No +1200 dogs getting beaten within and inch of their life what a shame! Dana should take notes From legendary organizations like Bellator, Pride and Fight Circus or this shambling organization will never succeed!
ya fam I feel you ting was mad boring mans fell asleep ain't nothing compared to Slaps but mans a purist so I understand if 6ixdog ain't agree das just how the world works fam stay woke to it opinions and all dat 🍵💤👋🧐🌍💡

Big ups to you TS most these boys here ain't tryna speak their mind going widda grain just bein' sheep but we out here bein' lions 🦁🚫🐑
I don't agree with your dramatic and hyperbolic thread start, but one thing that struck me in a way last night that hadn't before in the decades of watching fights, is that even as huge as the UFC has become, with all their tacky branded crap behind Annik pumping Draft Kings apps, they still feel like a western movie Main Street building facade hiding the fact that nothing much is there besides some gamesmanship from Vegas hucksters.
That's all sports sir. It's all a facade and pomp.

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