UFN 162 PBP/Discussion

He held of Khabib for a minute he better hold this Scotsman off
LOL that TD was so weak, Johnson aint happy unless hes fuckin your day up

EDIT:Unless you're Stevie Ray.
Damn the only thing I didn't account for is ray winning via decision. Gonna lose some money here. Useless f'n johnson.
Johnson with another brain fart in the third round. Ray might've stole that DEC.
I hate betting on Michael johnson
Johnson has a sense of urgency on the ground worse than Kevin Holland.... I didn't think that was possible
Damn. Way too close of a fight. It's going to come down to round 1 judging. Judges could give round 1 to Ray and judges could have Round 3 10-8. I have it 29-28 Johnson. But could be 29-28 or 29-27 Ray. OR even the draw. 28-28.
Ray looked pretty dominant in that rd. He looked better that round than Johnson in rd2.