UFN 92 pbp/etc

39-37 rodriguez, only rd 4 is debatable, but it really should be 39-37
Yair faded a bit but still throwing and winning. Alex needs a finish.
Actually liked my Caceres DEC @ 7 bet :)
Also this card taught us only Denver and Mexico City altitude is significant
yair just needs to survive

no idea how he is fighting that pace lol

23 perhaps
Closed my 5u bet on Caceres in 2u profit and betted 5u on Yair. Hoping bookies are compeltly off and we´re right.
alex at most maybe won 1 round with that gnp from top, yair still out striked him 90% of fight with a crazy pace and style lol
even tho this is a 25 minute rodriguez fight, i don't think we learned much.. caceres just can't push him, not strong enough

49-46 rodriguez. rd 4 and 5 were kinda close.
The degen in me made me go pretty big on yair/yair dec. Clear 3-2 or 4-1 yair for me
yair 4-1 hope i am right since i went pretty heavy in r4
Yair 4-1

Mirsad Bektic would beat him, though :)

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