Law US supreme court rules against affirmative action

Total horsesh*t. Black and Native students have a higher graduation percentage than white and Asian students from Harvard. Just say you don't think black people are good enough to do things and dont hide behind this phony notion of concern for them.

You mean Clarence Thomas? That hypocrite traitor went to Yale because of Affirmitive Action.

Not only interesting that you didn’t post a link but you limited your evidence to one school. Also were the ones who graduated ones who were chosen because of AA or just amazing minds to begin with? What a horseshit poorly thought out rebuttal. Hey at least you’re intelligent enough to be a moderator of a karate forum though.
Not only interesting that you didn’t post a link but you limited your evidence to one school. Also were the ones who graduated ones who were chosen because of AA or just amazing minds to begin with? What a horseshit poorly thought out rebuttal. Hey at least you’re intelligent enough to be a moderator of a karate forum though.

The school was given because its arguably THE most central school to this entire case. If its not true here then it doesnt belong in the argument. Black and Native students had an above 97% graduation rate, you going to argue that only the under 3% who didnt it was because of AA? Lol Get f*cked
Total horsesh*t. Black and Native students have a higher graduation percentage than white and Asian students from Harvard. Just say you don't think black people are good enough to do things and dont hide behind this phony notion of concern for them.



You mean Clarence Thomas? That hypocrite traitor went to Yale because of Affirmitive Action.

Let's tone down the racism a little bit.
Hence the actual danger of AA; putting an unqualified lunatic on the highest court in the land
This quote basically is an explanation of the lie of Affirmative Action. that somewhere, some mediocre white student isnt getting into their school of choice because some UNQUALIFIED ni... i mean, minority is getting that spot. Like Harvard is picking up Tyrone the crackhead because he's black and ticks a box.

When what has been actually happening is super qualified people from groups that dont even get a look at were getting those admissions. much to the eternal butthurt of people who were never going to go anyway. I think a lot of this stems from that white girl in Texas who sued the school because of affirmative action and the school released her records and he barely qualified for community college much less a private elite school

here you have some mediocre white, crying about race keeping her out of a school that HAD AUTOMATIC ADMISSION FOR TOP STUDENTS. That means she already wasnt a top 10% student.
her GPA was 3.59....which while not bad HAD NO HONORS OR AP CLASSES. that means she was solidly mediocre in Texas Public Education
her SAT score was some laughable 1130.
This chick is the poster child for average, mediocrity wrapped in self righteous entitlement. She expected to go to UT in Austin for no other reason than she didnt fail her classes, and she had relatives go, but since UT doesnt have an alumni system like north eastern schools, she had to fall back on ability, and too bad for her, there were LOTS of 'other people' who were better qualified for the school than her. Must be cause she's white though right?
How will native Americans go to school for 50 a semester now ?
Basically affirmative action only hurts the race it is ostensibly designed to help. It helps to Foster a victim mentality and in fact maintains the feeling of inferiority and that it is undeserved because it is undeserved. It also disillusions other citizens who aren't part of the group in question who did qualify by merit but miss out because of those policies thereby rewarding those who don't deserve it and punishing those who do. It is unsurprising that democrats support affirmative action as it suits keep blacks in the mentality that they need such policies and they need democratic party to keep those policies there for them.
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You were clear, you claimed that AA is a form of reparations... however it's being paid for most heavily by Asians... that doesn't make sense.

Also why would white people need reparations form Asian people?

Affirmative action for African Americans with regards for university admissions is like a form of reparations for 400 years of negative history. I don't have a problem with African Americans getting a hand up in this way as long as the selection criteria includes economic factors.

I also don't have a problem with affirmative action when it comes to hiring for things like teachers, police and fire departments. The racial make up of these type of organizations should generally reflect the racial makeup of the communities they serve.

Now I don't quite follow how you pull "white people needing reparations from asians" out of my position?????
How will native Americans go to school for 50 a semester now ?

Well, there are many great state schools that you can get a bargain education at.
Georgia Tech, Rutgers, several of the UC schools in Cali, Michigan State, U of NC Chapel Hill, just to name a few.
I don’t understand how they were able to even reach a ruling given they aren’t biologists

A short and good listen about the potential harm that could be headed our way.

You're an interesting person, I'll say that. You first objected to me only referencing Harvard. Now I give you an article written by a USC Professor whose expertise is in this exact field and you relegate it to an "opinion piece" as an implication of bias, or that he's mistaken. That's an interesting contention considering that in that same article he lists schools where it's not the case, where blacks have slightly lower graduation rates. This reminds me of the "do your own research" mafia.

If I'm not mistaken the initial contention I argued iwas your assertion that Affirmitive Action admits these poor unfortunate black students who just cannot handle the experience of being in an elite institution. So let's steelman your position and say even if it's considered that a single graduating class of data (2015-2021 cohort) shows less than 1% differential in the rate of graduation among races, it still demonstrates that that entire contention is bullsh*t. Affirmitive Action NEVER allowed for unqualified students to attend the school, which was your original point. And it's a point that only the kinds of people who look at black people and say "oh you probably got there because of affirmative action" make.

This is the guy who engineered this whole case:

In that video he is expressly saying that they needed Asian plaintiffs to make AA look like it was discriminating against Asians lol. And here's some thoughts about that effort from some relevant people:

"Asians were standing in as proxies for white students," says Jeff Chang, a writer and activist who has long fought for affirmative action. "That's essentially the strategy that Ed Blum used."

"Is anti-Asian racism real? Yeah, absolutely," says OiYan Poon, a professor at Colorado State University who studies race-based admissions. "I have experienced it firsthand."

But according to her research, affirmative action is not the source of that racism.

"I've been pouring over the data for years," she says — including the admissions data of Harvard before the court in one of the case that just ended affirmative action. "There is no evidence that there's a practice of anti-Asian discrimination."

So like I originally said, your entire position is nonsense, and you hid behind some faux care for a non-existent problem to bolster a decision that was reached at the consideration of another non-existent problem.
The US supreme court, driven by its conservative supermajority, ended race-conscious admissions at universities across the country, tossing out decades of precedent in American life.

The conservative justices concluded that admissions policies at Harvard Universityand the University of North Carolina discriminated against Asian American applicants and violated the US constitution’s equal protection clause.”

The Guardian

That's fantastic.

So they can stop asian racism in Edu.