Economy Usa hits debt limit/ debt ceiling


Silver Belt
Jan 23, 2006
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CNN)The US hit the debt ceiling set by Congress on Thursday, forcing the Treasury Department to start taking extraordinary measures to keep the government paying its bills and escalating pressure on Capitol Hill to avoid a catastrophic default.

The battle lines for the high-stakes fight have already been set. Hardline Republicans, who have enormous sway in the House because of the party's slim majority, have demanded that lifting the borrowing cap be tied to spending reductions. The White House countered that it will not offer any concessions or negotiate on raising the debt ceiling. And with the solution to the debt ceiling drama squarely in lawmakers' hands, fears are growing that the partisan brinksmanship could result in the nation defaulting on its debt for the first time ever -- or coming dangerously close to doing so.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government bumped up against its debt limit Thursday, prompting the Treasury Department to take “extraordinary” accounting steps to avoid default — as friction between President Joe Biden and House Republicans raised concern about whether the U.S. can sidestep an economic crisis.

The Treasury Department said in a letter to congressional leaders it had started taking “extraordinary measures” as the government had run up against its legal borrowing capacity of $31.381 trillion. An artificially imposed cap, the debt ceiling has been increased roughly 80 times since the 1960s.

Biden insists on a “clean” increase to the debt limit so that existing financial commitments can be sustained and is refusing to even start talks with Republicans. McCarthy is calling for negotiations that he believes will lead to spending cuts. It’s unclear how much he wants to trim and whether fellow Republicans would support any deal after a testy start to the new Congress that required 15 rounds of voting to elect McCarthy as speaker.

Asked twice on Wednesday if there was evidence that House Republicans can ensure the government will avert a default, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said it’s their “constitutional responsibility.” She did not say whether the White House saw signs at this stage that a default was out of the question.

“We’re just not going to negotiate that,” Jean-Pierre said. “They should feel the responsibility.

Fun times ahead... thoughts ?
The US has no business sending more money to Ukraine if we have hit the debt ceiling. Time to start paying down the debt instead of being the world's piggy bank and guard dog.
The US has no business sending more money to Ukraine if we have hit the debt ceiling. Time to start paying down the debt instead of being the world's piggy bank and guard dog.

Helping Ukraine defeat Russia is probably the greatest investment opportunity America has had in the past 50+ years and it's been really fucking cheap lmao.
Helping Ukraine defeat Russia is probably the greatest investment opportunity America has had in the past 50+ years and it's been really fucking cheap lmao.
War is always a good investment for the US, it turns out. Only weird thing is that they found a way to get some of the peaceniks to support it and some of the Warhawks to oppose it this time around. Their rhetorical game is improving.
The US has no business sending more money to Ukraine if we have hit the debt ceiling. Time to start paying down the debt instead of being the world's piggy bank and guard dog.
Oh look another Putin Chud at least I am from the US.
analogies, how do they work?
a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
"an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies"
a correspondence or partial similarity.
"the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia"
a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects.
"works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature"
Here you go
why don't you ask the guy who posted the analogy then?
i see you are still confused about who did what and what means what.
My bad, i thought you went along with his analogy.
I thought you implied the US was heading for a similar path as the Lannisters.
Appearently not.