Virtue Signaling in Gaming Megathread, v.1

Why isn’t this in the war room?
It’s going to live here and potentially absorb other politico-technical talk not unlike a megathread.

The gaming industry has specifics better (or more relevantly) spoken on by gamers than non-gamers is the running idea; we can, then, channel all that discussion ITT in insulation and interest of the greater sub. No politics at the dinner table is still sound advice, IMO.
It’s going to live here and potentially absorb other politico-technical talk not unlike a megathread.

While the topic involves a consulting firm in gaming. The discussion solely revolves around identity politics.

A thread started in Mayberry under the same parameters involving a movie or TV series would be moved to the War Room.
While the topic involves a consulting firm in gaming. The discussion solely revolves around identity politics.

A thread started in Mayberry under the same parameters involving a movie or TV series would be moved to the War Room.
Social narratives and ideals artificially pushed into game production is what the thread is about.

In light of my comment on megathread, catch-all trajectory, yours is moreover too parochial a view for effective forum management.

Not everyone games; everyone watches film and television. If a subject such as identity politics touches on char creator parameters, pronouns in script or dialogue-branching, race-washing NPCs in retcon or what’s often filed under inclusive ‘re-envisioning’ et cetera, these are all things in immersion a gamer uniquely experiences, relates to, and can offer insight into.

It’s also inevitable subs have overlapping content to a degree as references are made and one’s personal experiences + interests are drawn on in discussion. No big.

Return to topic, please.

So this is generally what you babies are crying about?????? LOL.

First world problems to the white power of infinite and beyond!!!!!

All i know is that they've worked on 2 games (God of War Ragnarok and Marvel's Spiderman 2) I played and loved so I see nothing to be upset about with their work so far...
Sweet baby Inc started the controversy by trying to get a Steam user banned (some Brazilion gamer) by just creating a curator list of games they worked on. If my company worked on proucts for several corporations worth billions of $$, I'd welcome the spotlight.

I dont think many gamers knew of them before that, I certainly didnt. It's the epitome of the Streisand effect.

What do you mean by "white power of infinite and beyond?"
It’s going to live here and potentially absorb other politico-technical talk not unlike a megathread.

The gaming industry has specifics better (or more relevantly) spoken on by gamers than non-gamers is the running idea; we can, then, channel all that discussion ITT in insulation and interest of the greater sub. No politics at the dinner table is still sound advice, IMO.
I never come in here for politics, but relevant political nonsense creeps into gaming from time to time. It's a good idea to have one megathread to funnel it all in.
they're changing/influencing game creators by adding in forced diversity, forced modern politics into popular games like the god of war franchise. hence kratos turning from the god of war, into the god of forgiveness. they're changing stories, characters, and adding more bullshit to games and it all got exposed.
Sweet baby Inc started the controversy by trying to get a Steam user banned (some Brazilion gamer) by just creating a curator list of games they worked on. If my company worked on proucts for several corporations worth billions of $$, I'd welcome the spotlight.

I dont think many gamers knew of them before that, I certainly didnt. It's the epitome of the Streisand effect.

What do you mean by "white power of infinite and beyond?"

I never come in here for politics, but relevant political nonsense creeps into gaming from time to time. It's a good idea to have one megathread to funnel it all in.
they don't welcome it, because it is doing the exact opposite. gamers are realizing what games they have worked on, and not purchasing them. losing millions because of that list.
16 employees from a Canadian based narrative consulting firm dont have this level of authority.
then why the screeching? if it wasn't big, they'd welcome a steam group that curates a list of their games.
Sweet baby Inc started the controversy by trying to get a Steam user banned (some Brazilion gamer) by just creating a curator list of games they worked on. If my company worked on proucts for several corporations worth billions of $$, I'd welcome the spotlight.

I dont think many gamers knew of them before that, I certainly didnt. It's the epitome of the Streisand effect.

What do you mean by "white power of infinite and beyond?"

I never come in here for politics, but relevant political nonsense creeps into gaming from time to time. It's a good idea to have one megathread to funnel it all in.

They started the controversy??? LOL.

This buffoon created a curator list to negatively vote on games this company worked on. Some of these games aren't even out yet. Every single game on that list was negatively reviewed. It's a troll group. And Sweet Baby doesn't force anyone to do what they want. They do not have that power. It's not even in their wheelhouse. That's not what consultants do. They are contractors and are hired by AAA companies to either write or review/provide feedback to gaming storytelling. If the company upper management doesn't like what Sweet Baby produced or recommends they can reject it and move on. It's like hiring any contractor. if they do a shit job you can them and find someone else finish the work.

you fuckin' babies don't even know what actually happened and are using clickbait edited videos to argue your silly points. The clips of the CEO talking about "terrifying" the marketing team is just a marketing speech on convincing them to pay for additional consulting work. It's just marketing talk. She's not telling people to pull out a gun and frighten the marketing team into hiring Sweet Baby. She's telling them that if they don't they don't then something can be missed from lack of QA/review and it could result in a PR catastrophe or whatever. She's just selling her consulting work at a conference. Bozos are chopping up the video to focus on the words "terrify them" and now people like you can jerk off each other in a silly gamer group and tell yourselves crazy women like her are ruining gaming.

There is nothing noteworthy about this nonsense.
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They started the controversy??? LOL.

This buffoon created a curator list to negatively vote on games this company worked on. Some of these games aren't even out yet. Every single game on that list was negatively reviewed. It's a troll group. And Sweet Baby doesn't force anyone to do what they want. They do not have that power. It's not even in their wheelhouse. That's not what consultants do. They are contractors and are hired by AAA companies to either write or review/provide feedback to gaming storytelling. If the company upper management doesn't like what Sweet Baby produced or recommends they can reject it and move on. It's like hiring any contractor. if they do a shit job you can them and find someone else finish the work.

you fuckin' babies don't even know what actually happened and are using clickbait edited videos to argue your silly points. The clips of the CEO talking about "terrifying" the marketing team is just a marketing speech on convincing them to pay for additional consulting work. It's just marketing talk. She's not telling people to pull out a gun and frighten the marketing team into hiring Sweet Baby. She's telling them that if they don't they don't then something can be missed from lack of QA/review and it could result in a PR catastrophe or whatever. She's just selling her consulting work at a conference. Bozos are chopping up the video to focus on the words "terrify them" and now people like you can jerk off each other in a silly gamer group and tell yourselves crazy women like her are ruining gaming.

There is nothing noteworthy about this nonsense.
Of course they started the controversy. It was just some guy making a curator list no one really knew about, pointing out the games he thought they could taint. If they just ignored it, or at least didn't try to get him banned, it never would have blown up like it did. They magnified things, then cried victim when the internet does what it does. People take things too far, from all sides, but what else is new. Look at the nonsense around Hogwarts Legacy, or Stellar Blade.
then why the screeching?

Its the internet. People have become accustomed to voicing their initial reaction without social consequence.

Steam Group was a series of telephone from Spiderman 2's non-binary vocabulary in spanish and Desantis making DEI national news.
Its the internet. People have become accustomed to voicing their initial reaction without social consequence.

Steam Group was a series of telephone from Spiderman 2's non-binary vocabulary in spanish and Desantis making DEI national news.
i'm saying screeching from the sweetbaby people. making a list of games that sweetbaby is involved in shouldn't hurt them in any way. if what they are doing is valid, then it raises validity and gives gamers a list to go off of. however, that doesn't seem to be the case. they are completely fumbling their response to said list and the games that they are involved in seem pretty lame.
i'm saying screeching from the sweetbaby people. making a list of games that sweetbaby is involved in shouldn't hurt them in any way. if what they are doing is valid, then it raises validity and gives gamers a list to go off of. however, that doesn't seem to be the case. they are completely fumbling their response to said list and the games that they are involved in seem pretty lame.
Tales of Kenzera: Zau just got announced as a PS Exta title and it reminds me a bit of Prince of Persia The Lost Crown which I loved. Definitely going to give it a try and don't really care if they were involved in the game. I think my issue is it's extremely lazy, they could at least point out specifically why each game should be boycotted. When you include games that aren't even out yet it makes me feel like it was done in bad faith. Why not just put captions next to each game saying why it should be avoided. Was I not suppose to play Ragnarok because there was one black girl? Seems a bit reactionary.
In a brief interview with InclusionFX that was posted to YouTube back in 2021 and brought to attention by X user JohnnyMassacre, Belair documents how she created Sweet Baby Inc. and what the purpose of the company was.

She said, “And so, today, what we do is writing, narrative design, story building, story breaking as our first and foremost. But on a secondary level we work very hard to get marginalized talent into the industry, to protect them the way that we would want to have been protected, to lift them up, and to get them into an industry where they’re too often shut out.”

Belair then admitted, “And basically, I think, to take over in the hopes that some really dope people will be able to lead into a kind of a new era for an industry that’s been kind of been, you know, the same way too long.”

Later in the interview, she was asked how she protects her mental health and admitted she would rather create subpar games than attempt to achieve greatness.

She said, ” I think to protect myself and for my own mental health, I have made sure that I work with people I really, really care about and really, really respect and really, really enjoy working with. I often talk about the fact that like video games are such huge projects and they feel like they’re these huge works of creative brilliance and they take so many brains, but for me I would much rather work on something that is an okay project with great people who I care about, who lift each other up, who provide like a sense of balance than something that is maybe technically very proficient, but it was hell to make, and the people aren’t empathetic.

“I don’t think it’s pie in the sky thinking to go like, ‘Hey, maybe we can invite white dudes to play as other people and experience different things through someone else’s eyes.’ And if they don’t like it, we have to start thinking, ‘We’re not losing. They’re losing, and we’re losing because we’re going to let them stand in the way of our progress and our innovation.’

“If you’re creative working in AAA, which I did for many years, put this stuff up to your higher-ups. And if they don’t see the value and what you’re asking for when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what’s going to happen if they don’t give you what you want.”
Some of these points and quotes have already been raised, but they bear repeating.

The CEO of the company has admitted in her own words that creating great games isn't her first priority. She cares more about recruiting other minorities to work alongside her, and to force white gamers to play non-white characters that project her personal political values as opposed to creating experiences that her consumers cherish.
Tales of Kenzera: Zau just got announced as a PS Exta title and it reminds me a bit of Prince of Persia The Lost Crown which I loved. Definitely going to give it a try and don't really care if they were involved in the game. I think my issue is it's extremely lazy, they could at least point out specifically why each game should be boycotted. When you include games that aren't even out yet it makes me feel like it was done in bad faith. Why not just put captions next to each game saying why it should be avoided. Was I not suppose to play Ragnarok because there was one black girl? Seems a bit reactionary.
I really didn't like GOW Ragnorak. I kept hearing how the later parts were where it shined, so maybe I never got there, but I played well past Angrboda's part where you collect fruit or something. Making her black was ridiculous, but outside that lazy tokenism I didn't find anything "woke" about the game that tuned me off. The pacing was all over the place, and every time they forced us to play as Atreus was a slog. I loved the story in the first game though, and despite the terrible FOV/constant climbing, I enjoyed the gameplay, especially fighting the Valkyries.

Some of these points and quotes have already been raised, but they bear repeating.

The CEO of the company has admitted in her own words that creating great games isn't her first priority. She cares more about recruiting other minorities to work alongside her, and to force white gamers to play non-white characters that project her personal political values as opposed to creating experiences that her consumers cherish.
they're changing/influencing game creators by adding in forced diversity, forced modern politics into popular games like the god of war franchise. hence kratos turning from the god of war, into the god of forgiveness. they're changing stories, characters, and adding more bullshit to games and it all got exposed.
his character arc was amazing, and he’s still violent as hell just not to everyone he meets anymore. He’s willing to talk things out. Look at what he does still to the enemies he faces off against. Peeling the jaw and skin off a werewolf? I think we’re vastly overestimating how much power baby inc has over these big studios from Sony. At the end of the day they still want money, they ain’t going to have Kratos come out as trans next game so don’t worry
I really didn't like GOW Ragnorak. I kept hearing how the later parts were where it shined, so maybe I never got there, but I played well past Angrboda's part where you collect fruit or something. Making her black was ridiculous, but outside that lazy tokenism I didn't find anything "woke" about the game that tuned me off. The pacing was all over the place, and every time they forced us to play as Atreus was a slog. I loved the story in the first game though, and despite the terrible FOV/constant climbing, I enjoyed the gameplay, especially fighting the Valkyries.

I think the story was stronger in the first one but the exploration, enemy variety, gameplay improvements made up for it and I’d rate Ragnarok slightly above the first for that reason
Tales of Kenzera: Zau just got announced as a PS Exta title and it reminds me a bit of Prince of Persia The Lost Crown which I loved. Definitely going to give it a try and don't really care if they were involved in the game. I think my issue is it's extremely lazy, they could at least point out specifically why each game should be boycotted. When you include games that aren't even out yet it makes me feel like it was done in bad faith. Why not just put captions next to each game saying why it should be avoided. Was I not suppose to play Ragnarok because there was one black girl? Seems a bit reactionary.
why even care at all? it's just a list of games they're involved with, you can make your own opinion. this should help out sweetbaby gaming, gives customers a chance to know what games they're working on. they're just providing a list, you can decide if you want to buy it or not. their reaction, their actions they took afterwards are questionable. that seems a bit reactionary.
his character arc was amazing, and he’s still violent as hell just not to everyone he meets anymore. He’s willing to talk things out. Look at what he does still to the enemies he faces off against. Peeling the jaw and skin off a werewolf? I think we’re vastly overestimating how much power baby inc has over these big studios from Sony. At the end of the day they still want money, they ain’t going to have Kratos come out as trans next game so don’t worry
but he spares Thor? it's weak, it's obvious and disrespecting the trans community is rude. kratos character from the first three games to where he is at now, isn't a great arc. it's forced, obvious, and lazy in my opinion.