We Lost a Fellow Sherdogger LiLoMMA

Condolences to his family and friends. :(

RIP @LiLoMMA and my condolences to you, @Arnie Palmer.

Sucks to hear he's gone, also very strange/trippy/sad imagining him writing that post, not knowing his time would be up later that very same day. A few minutes later, a couple hours later, perhaps that night? Don't know but the same could happen to any of us at any moment.

Very poignant quote. Indeed brah.
Sorry to hear that. I do remember reading a few of his post. Seemed like good dude

My sincere condolences to all his loved ones

We never know how much time we have left on this planet. Make the days count

RIP brotha
Good poster. Liked his schtick.

Deepest condolences.

Damn. @LiLoMMA & I were pretty tight even though we hadn't chatted in a while. What a shame.

I wonder what happened? In the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. All that matters is that he's gone. I hope whatever claimed him was swift, painless & peaceful. I'll miss him.
Mods can we sticky this for a few days.

Sorry for your loss. You can use this thread to announce details if you want or just to talk.

God damn it.

And done.
I've read a few of his posts just a few days ago. Just a trip someone can be around and a few days be gone. I hope he died peacefully and may he Rest In Peace.
R.I.P. fellow sherbro.

My respects and condolences to his family and friends.

He will be missed.
Sucks to read. Lilo was a regular here in the Mayberry, and a solid contributor.

RIP bruv
He did die peacefully. We don’t know what he died from, he wasn’t in the best of health and, had vices that could’ve contributed to his death. He was a good dude, we have had problems in the past, sure, but hasn’t everyone? I loved him and it’s a shame that he left so young. But, what makes me smile is that most people in his personal life think of him fondly. Even when he was with us, there wasn’t an awful thing to say, besides the usual, like, he was an asshole because he was a funny guy like that, lol. I don’t have the autopsy and he was cremated on Friday. No services because of what’s happening in current events. That’s all I know so far. I appreciate you for putting up this post up and for your condolences. I hope he’s in peace because we do miss him.
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Damnit man. Very recognizable name around here.
RIP Lilo.
That's genuinely sad to hear, sorry for your loss.

He was a solid sherdogger, it's a shame he is gone. He made me smile a lot.
I remember him from one of his previous accounts. Nearly all his posts were lohan related. Rip.
Man I can't believe it

I'm stunned rest in peace brother

Very sad

I saw him around a lot in Mayberry and P&M, funny guy and was always a good contributor. Will be missed.
I liked his posts.
He was a cool cat.

Sorry for your loss.
Man more sad fucking news. Don't even have time to process this right now, but this is terrible to hear. Lilo was a great poster and a really nice guy. I'll miss him around the berry.