Weight gain


Yellow Belt
Jan 6, 2017
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Of course I'm looking in other places too, just checking if anyone here knows a good way to gain a lot of healthy weight. I'm sitting about 25 pounds below my target, need to gain that with minimal fat added. Diet ideas? I currently run a lot, and do a lot of cardio exercise, should I cut down on that and lift more? What type of lifting specifically? Thanks in advance.
Make muscles. Eat more. Eat Healthy. Add a snack like Oatmeal with yogurt at night and keep adding other snacks as needed. Maybe cut down cardio time a little. Squat, bench press, and deadlifts; nothing else for now.

Since I don't know your goal besides "25lbs and healthy weight" use http://symmetricstrength.com/ Just input your numbers, see what it says you're lacking; if you agree with what the program says focus on that.
Work out your TDEE, eat +500 calories and lift lots of heavy stuff, then repeat.
Thanks for the replies guys, my current weight is 130, looking to make about 160 to before maaaaaybe starting to do amateur mma. So yeah, I need MUSCLE and um, whatever else fighters need. I guess a cool nickname?
Eat 4 meals, breakfast, lunch 1 and lunch 2, dinner. Snack before bed. Good with meat veggies, healthy fat and carbs before and after workout. if you havent gained from monday to monday, up the portion.
The only way to gain weight without gaining much fat is to build muscle obviously.

The way to build muscle without gaining loads of fat is weight training whilst eating a slight calorie surplus with sufficient protein.

Gaining 25 pounds of mostly muscle will take quite a while.

If you don't know where to start, buy this book and follow it:

if you do loads of cardio then you'll need to eat a fair bit more than most people just to stay level.
Hi man. I am also now on weight gain so I can help you with some tips. First of all, you should stop doing cardio, you only burn your muscle bulk. Lift more, all the exercises are good to that: back squat and so on. Secondly, you should eat more protein than carbs if you want to gain a min amount of fat. And thirdly if you are already a professional you can start using testosterone booster supplements, they will certainly help you a lot.
Thanks for the replies guys, my current weight is 130, looking to make about 160 to before maaaaaybe starting to do amateur mma. So yeah, I need MUSCLE and um, whatever else fighters need. I guess a cool nickname?
1) Eat a high protein diet with a calorie surplus.
2) Lift heavy weights 3-4x a week concentrating on compound lifts (squat/DL/press etc).
3) Get adequate rest and sleep.

This is a great link for different weight training programmes: https://legionathletics.com/strength-training-plan/

A good calorie calculator: https://www.damnripped.com/tdee-calculator/

Don’t neglect cardio but remember that it burns a lot of calories. Swap out long sessions for HIIT and power building workouts (heavy bag/body weight/TRX/swimming) to supplement your weight training.

Use smoothies to get your required protein and calories in. Try and aim for at least 1g of protein per lb body weight daily.

Remember to eat lots of fresh fruit and veg (berries/beetroot/carrots/spinach etc) and to make sure you get a variety of good quality protein sources like fresh steaks and fish etc.
The nutritional quality of your food will really make a difference to your results. Don’t just eat loads of cheap shit.

Don’t buy those mass gainer style protein powders they are full of sugar: get a good quality normal protein powder blend with berries/bananas/milk etc for the extra calories.
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Thanks for the replies guys, my current weight is 130, looking to make about 160 to before maaaaaybe starting to do amateur mma. So yeah, I need MUSCLE and um, whatever else fighters need. I guess a cool nickname?
how about ‘greymetaldog?’

when i was young i had a hard time gaining weight. there was a couple month period where i would make a protein smoothie, and set an alarm for halfway between bedtime and wake up time. Gained 10 lbs really quickly. Went to shift work and sort of gave up on it. now im old, and my wife always makes food, so its easy.... and harder to get lean again.
Hi man. I am also now on weight gain so I can help you with some tips. First of all, you should stop doing cardio, you only burn your muscle bulk. Lift more, all the exercises are good to that: back squat and so on. Secondly, you should eat more protein than carbs if you want to gain a min amount of fat. And thirdly if you are already a professional you can start using testosterone booster supplements, they will certainly help you a lot. Here is the info on which supplements are the best docarzt.com.
Is anybody more here on weight gain?
What kind of weight do you want to gain? Muscle or fat?. If you don't care what kind of weight you gain (fat) just eat more of the foods you already eat and you will gain weight. Increase your calories by 500 or so and in a week you will gain 1 pound. Since 1 pound of fat is 3500 calories you would need to eat 500 calories over your maintenance calories to gain the 1 pound in one week. If its muscle you want to gain then ya cut back if you are doing a lot of cardio and start lifting weights. Just to let you know though muscle gain is a very slow process. Still do your cardio but just cut back on it a bit and hit the weights. If i were you i would increase the calories by about 250 a day and just hit the weights hard and you will eventually gain muscle. shit takes years though trust me unless you jump on a cycle. Your probably looking at atleast 6 months of consistent weight training to even see a difference. Do not cut out cardio completely, thats just dumb. Cardio is a good thing but if you are running like a marathoner it will be hard for you to gain muscle. If you are only doing like 45 minutes of cardio a day this isn't enough to hinder muscle gain.
Of course I'm looking in other places too, just checking if anyone here knows a good way to gain a lot of healthy weight. I'm sitting about 25 pounds below my target, need to gain that with minimal fat added. Diet ideas? I currently run a lot, and do a lot of cardio exercise, should I cut down on that and lift more? What type of lifting specifically? Thanks in advance.

Find a strength training program where you will do big compound lifts 3 days a week. You need to be consistently lifting deadlifts, squats, bench press, standing press, etc...You can start lighter and look to hit lower reps with a progressively heavier weights. You may initially start with reps of 8-12 and slowly go down to 3-5 range. Or you may do a program where you hit sets of 5 reps. In any case do some form of strength training.

Cardiovascular training and conditioning burns calories. It will make gaining bodyweight more challenging but I would still continue to do some form of it for general well being. For fight sports conditioning is only second to your skills competencies so it's a good idea to always be in good conditioning shape.

Finally the single best way to gain bodyweight is to simply eat more. If you have a hard time eating a lot then eat more frequently. Try to drink some of your calories in the form of milk and/or protein shakes. In fact some hardgainer diets call for 1 gallon of milk per day but to me that's a bit excessive and also depends on your tolerance to lactose. Look to eat 3 meals a day and have another 2 in the form of shakes or snacks. You're not struggling gaining weight at 250lb, you're 130lb. That tells us you hardly eat but it also makes it a lot easier. Look into prepping your meals. Eating a lot doesn't mean eating junk food although you can certainly have your cheat meals a couple days a week.
bro this is what you do man. If your not lactose intolerant, drink a gallon milk per day. Do you know how many freaking calories are in a gallon of milk? A ton. On top of that it also has the perfect mix of protein and carbs. There’s a reason why young cows drink that to get big and strong.

2. eat bacon. Do you realize how many calories are in bacon? About 100 calories per slice. Eat half a pack of bacon + a gallon of milk per day plus eat normal food. You will gain 25 lbs in 1-2 months.

3. eat beef and pasta. It low budget, cheaper and healrhier than fast food. But also has a ton of calories. If your looking to gain weight, buy regular ground beef not the super lean kind. 1 box of pasta has over 1000 calories. 1 average package of regular ground beef has over 1000 calories. Cook both up and you have several meals made that you can eat throughout the day.

milk + bacon + beef + pasta = big gains

also you want to lift heavy, if you’re not already, so you don’t get real fat. Compound lifts. Bench, deadlift, squat. That’s it. Happy gains bro
Hi guys,
I am new to the forum.
I am a teen female boxer who has been training for about 1 year and has been doing muay thai two years before that. I was extremely underweight many months ago and gained about 12 kilos in a short amount of time with medical help. Now i weigh about 51kg at 5’5. I want to bulk up to about 54kg and get stronger since i lost much of my strength along with weight. How should i do this with boxing training? If i just train boxing (pushups/heavy bag/running/hill sprints) will it be enough to build muscle without excess fat or do i need to do heavy weightlifting too? Just worried if i will have enough time to do both... i am eating in about a 400 cal surplus.
Hi guys,
I am new to the forum.
I am a teen female boxer who has been training for about 1 year and has been doing muay thai two years before that. I was extremely underweight many months ago and gained about 12 kilos in a short amount of time with medical help. Now i weigh about 51kg at 5’5. I want to bulk up to about 54kg and get stronger since i lost much of my strength along with weight. How should i do this with boxing training? If i just train boxing (pushups/heavy bag/running/hill sprints) will it be enough to build muscle without excess fat or do i need to do heavy weightlifting too? Just worried if i will have enough time to do both... i am eating in about a 400 cal surplus.

Just keep your training up but eat more protein with healthy fat and vegetables. Bigger portions of meat, together with big vegetable portions.
Hi guys,
I am new to the forum.
I am a teen female boxer who has been training for about 1 year and has been doing muay thai two years before that. I was extremely underweight many months ago and gained about 12 kilos in a short amount of time with medical help. Now i weigh about 51kg at 5’5. I want to bulk up to about 54kg and get stronger since i lost much of my strength along with weight. How should i do this with boxing training? If i just train boxing (pushups/heavy bag/running/hill sprints) will it be enough to build muscle without excess fat or do i need to do heavy weightlifting too? Just worried if i will have enough time to do both... i am eating in about a 400 cal surplus.
You need more protein, more overall calories and more resistance training.

Lots of cardio requires a lot of energy and makes it harder to build muscle. You probably eat a lot less than you think you do. More meat and fish and clean carbs or good fats (depending on what works for you). At the very least add in a protein smoothie (whey/bannana/berries/milk etc) after training and before bed every day. Aim for at least 150g of protein daily.

As for training, weights 2-3 times a week focused on compound movements (squat/dead/bench/row/press etc) is the best way. Plenty of good routines online - try and avoid bodybuilding style routines with lots of isolation exercises.

And make sure you get enough sleep.
Try adding oats to your protein shake (you have to put them in a food processor first), you could buy it already ground up (Bobs Red Mill) but it's cheaper to do it yourself.
Add peanut butter to your shake as well. And I agree with the posters who mentioned using milk instead of water if possible. All of these will add ~400 extra calories not including whatever amount is in your powder.
Weight gainers are pricey and their servings per container will make your wallet slim while you get bloated.
Another suggestion, go to dollar tree and get some snack size baggies then go get yourself a mix of nuts and seeds and portion it out for the month, go with the raw/unsalted. This will give you a much healthier snack that will help add calories, protein, and healthy fats.
Proper diet, sleep, and training will get you there. Good Luck.

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