Opinion What are some areas that the left and the right can find common ground?

There's a lot that extremists on both sides agree on and that liberals on the left and right agree on. Also a lot that left liberals and the illiberal left agree on and that right liberals and the illiberal right agree on.
Here's a pair of things that everybody can agree on:

I don't think enough people are willing to have fact based discussion on most policies. Debate just doesn't seem like a normal thing anymore. It's "Whatever they're for, I'm against. Even if it's a policy I normally would approve." It'd honestly take some type of foreign attack on our culture or security to unite people again. When there's peace and security for a long time, that's when society begins getting divided and turning on itself. Shitty part of human nature.
There are a lot of things I can agree with with people center left. I'm just not sure how many center left there is anymore.

Here is a standard. If you believe that pre op men and boy belong in girls locker rooms and bathrooms you are not center left.

The compromise is we let post op trans use the women's locker room. Not realy a woman but if you go that far allowances can be made.

There are more.
There are a lot of things I can agree with with people center left. I'm just not sure how many center left there is anymore.

Here is a standard. If you believe that pre op men and boy belong in girls locker rooms and bathrooms you are not center left.

The compromise is we let post op trans use the women's locker room. Not realy a woman but if you go that far allowances can be made.

There are more.

u can see the lack of center left in large democrat strongholds like philly where crime is out if control because the DA is a sick fuck with a sick fuck philosophy. I dont expect philly to elect republicans but where the fuck are moderate democrats to say these policies are not in line with normal rational thinking.
I don't think enough people are willing to have fact based discussion on most policies. Debate just doesn't seem like a normal thing anymore. It's "Whatever they're for, I'm against. Even if it's a policy I normally would approve." It'd honestly take some type of foreign attack on our culture or security to unite people again. When there's peace and security for a long time, that's when society begins getting divided and turning on itself. Shitty part of human nature.

good point but the division is exacerbated by talking heads and demagogue politicians who purposely keep the game broken it seems
There's a lot that extremists on both sides agree on and that liberals on the left and right agree on. Also a lot that left liberals and the illiberal left agree on and that right liberals and the illiberal right agree on.

for sure. What are ur top three common grounds ?