What are you playing? v.10 (Red Falcon Edition)

Your Super Contra gun of choice?

  • Machine gun (Highest ROF, 6-bullet on-screen cap)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Parliament of Will
Staff member
Forum Administrator
Jun 12, 2016
Reaction score
What are you playing? v.10 (Red Falcon Edition)

WAYP final.png

WP 1.gifWP 1.gifWP 1.gifWP 1.gif


Again, welcome.

36 years ago this month, Japan's Konami introduced the world to badboy Contra sequel Super Contra.


With the tagline 'Destiny waits in the jungle', it was clear some serious butt-kicking was in store. Unapologetic in its run-and-gun design, 1988's Super Contra was an arcade and console hit with an alien lair for a final stage that blessed our beta lives.


Rebranded in 1990 as Super C for North American home launch and later Probotector II in Europe (1992) with robot replacements:

SC 5.jpeg


Playing as protagonist Bill and your BFF Lance meant shooting one of 4 cool weapons dropped by airborne item capsules and ultimately saving Earth – as well as its babes. The 4 guns available were the machine gun (M), spread gun (S), bomb gun (B) or fire gun (F), and laser gun (L).



Every weapon can be experienced after below stamp save for laser, which was commonly thought an acquired taste; note that laser runs have been done.

There was a known 10-lives cheat code on NES to ease difficulty. This required only inputting R, L, D, U, A, B at startup.


In 1997, Super Contra was ranked the 9th best all-time arcade game by Electronic Gaming Monthly. Below shows the Konami GX775 arcade system and cabinet:


Fun gameplay plus prone: (Stamped for Jungle stage)


Dawgs know the score but newcomers welcome: Talk here non-threadworthy gaming and what you're up to.

First rule of gaming: Never stop being hardcore. Second rule of gaming: Never stop journeying. Third rule of gaming: Always run spread gun.

Rip and tear,
Dawgverse bless
Weapon capsule pickups:

SCW 3.png SCW 4.png SCW 1.png SCW 2.png

The Red Falcon were a military organisation and our principal antagonist:


Their forces included alien army but bulk of whom were captured and brainwashed U.S. soldiers, and led in Super Contra by Emperor Demon Gava:

Gava2 (kopia).png

I remember playing Contra 3 back when I was a kid (Although as a Eurofag it was called Super Probotector for me). I thought it was really badass and I loved all the enemy design and the theme of global apocalypse, but even to this day I suck at side scrollers so I could never get too far into it

Right now I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077. I very recently completed Rage2 (Which was good fun) and Spiderman (Really good) and am moving on to Serious Sam 4 and Outer Wilds to replace them. I've started SS4 and it's like any other SS game (I'm a big fan of the series so no problem there), Outer Wilds I haven't started yet but have heard good things without really knowing what the game is about or how it plays. I also want to get back into War Thunder and am achievement whoring in American/Euro Truck Simulator games too
I played the demo and I ended up grabbing Prince of Persia. I thought it was silky smooth, combat was fun and it was fast paced. The few platforming areas were also good but it wasn't enough to let me know how much harder it gets. They opt to use a gem system similar to HK that gives you buffs and passives. There's also special moves you can access after your meter is filled up. Fighting games fans, particularly Marvel, will like that the game offers Air juggling / combat. I played on Hard and the enemies felt a bit spongey but weren't that difficult. The parry window seemed a bit generous as well. Looking forward to it as this should conclude my MV run for a while (Moonscars, The Last Faith, finishing Aeterna and now this - all in a row).
Started Yakuza 0 and Golf with your friends.

Yakuza 0 I am not very far yet as I got side tracked this weekend and so far not a fan of the combat and lack of English dub but I hear it gets better later on.

Golf with your friends is a tight little mini putt game fun with friends or solo as it's not like a trad. mini golf game. You can jump the ball, score the ball/Puck and shoot it like a basketball in various game modes. The courses are pretty tough to and the learning curve is pretty difficult for what is a party/family game.
Started Yakuza 0 and Golf with your friends.

Yakuza 0 I am not very far yet as I got side tracked this weekend and so far not a fan of the combat and lack of English dub but I hear it gets better later on.

Golf with your friends is a tight little mini putt game fun with friends or solo as it's not like a trad. mini golf game. You can jump the ball, score the ball/Puck and shoot it like a basketball in various game modes. The courses are pretty tough to and the learning curve is pretty difficult for what is a party/family game.
"Golf With Your Friends" is deceptively deep in it's mechanics. You can have every shortcut memorized in your head, and it's still a game of inches, just trying to get that perfect shot. It's a great game, and easily the best "mini-golf" game ever created. I was obsessed with it a few years ago. One of those cheap indie looking games you just randomly give a chance to, and it ends up being WAY better than it had any right to be.
Beat GOW:R. Great game but I don't think I'll be going for plat. Still need to do Valhalla maybe I'll do it then. Kind of not committing to anything right now just waiting for Rebirth at this point. Funnily enough I decided to see how Control looked (I accidentally purchased the ult edition not realizing it was in my cart) and the game pulled me in right away. I forgot how engrossing this game is right off the bat.
Hot damn I loved Super C on the NES. I remember getting it for Christmas one year and had a few hours with it before some friends came over to play. I was already pretty good when they started and were all pissed off when they burned all their lives, stole mine, and I kept going.

Can’t see anyone voting for anything other than Spread for the poll. I could do no death runs with Spread, but none of the other guns. If I ended up dying with spread, more deaths were coming until I could get it again.
Ps3 died halfway through playthrough of GTA V, PS4 died halfway through playthrough of GTA V,
Game pass pulled game halfway through playthrough of GTA V.

I guess the universe doesn't want me to finish this game.
I’m stopping my Plague Tale: Requiem playthrough and uninstalling out of sheer bore.

Enjoyed PT: Innocence and platted it. While this game carries on and improves the first’s awesome graphics plus riveting story and score, I just can’t tolerate the gameplay and pacing. Holy crap, it’s torture.

In a pact with the devil, clearly, they somehow made every action and movement even chunkier and slower than maiden outing. The whole game feels like I’m playing in peanut butter. And that stupid slingshot. Nah. I’m done. They went too walking sim with this one.

One thing I want to praise in addition to story and score, is the sequel’s skill tree where it auto-specs for you based on how you complete certain events or engagements; as a result, it feels really intuitive to playstyle and I applaud that.
Started Yakuza 0 and Golf with your friends.

Yakuza 0 I am not very far yet as I got side tracked this weekend and so far not a fan of the combat and lack of English dub but I hear it gets better later on.

Golf with your friends is a tight little mini putt game fun with friends or solo as it's not like a trad. mini golf game. You can jump the ball, score the ball/Puck and shoot it like a basketball in various game modes. The courses are pretty tough to and the learning curve is pretty difficult for what is a party/family game.

Yakuza 0 is fantastic, but it starts off very slowly. The side content does really open up, and the combat does become better as you invest into it. It's story and characters are right up there as well.

It's my favourite in the series, but then again, it was also my first.

I'd say keep going to at least Chapter 7.
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Cruising along. Still a bit undecided about how much I like it. It's a very oddly paced game, with mini-stories making up the bulk of the campaign(so it seems, anyways). The "loot" system is a bit strange, as they've cut down on a lot of the gear, so you're not constantly switching things up, but has made upgrading gear more of a focus. I'm a bit indifferent to this change, as it cuts down on the clutter in your inventory, and makes you that much more excited when you actually a new piece of gear, but also makes looting a bit more stale at the same time.

One thing I absolutely hate, though, is the "stealth" mechanic. Not that you can't stealth in the game as usual, when attacking a base, but they have this stupid system for key missions that just doesn't work. It's completely busted. Occasionally, you'll get missions where you're clearly being directed to stealth your way through it. This involves putting on a hood and walking slowly through towns and whatnot, and blending in like you would do in the old games, as to not get detected. One problem...it doesn't work. It never works. The "detection" window is practically non-existent. Every enemy detects you in two seconds, and you just end up brawling anyways. It's so dumb. It makes the loose stealth system in the old school games, seem like "Metal Gear Solid". I don't know what the hell they were thinking here. It just doesn't work. At least there isn't an insta-fail punishment for getting spotted in these missions, but it just seems like something they threw in there, without actually programming the missions to adapt to it. Half the missions involving it, are broken by your AI companions, who are just crazy vikings who go ham whenever an enemy approaches them anyways. It's so dumb.

Not a deal breaker by any means, but it's just so damn lazy and stupid that I had to rant about it.
Learning how to play Tarkov via SPTarkov. Awesome mod for anyone wanting to try out Tarkov without the actual stress of playing online and encountering cheaters.
Learning how to play Tarkov via SPTarkov. Awesome mod for anyone wanting to try out Tarkov without the actual stress of playing online and encountering cheaters.

Maybe I'll check that out. Have been watching some gameplay and I'm interested but seems like it has a big learning curve I'd rather SP through
I like those X-com games. I picked up Warhammer Chaos gate or whatever it is called. It has been fun so far. Game is a bit hard if you don't cheese it.
Been stuck playing FO76 mostly. Played Goat Simulator 3 for a bit cause it was free. Play Vampire Survivors from time to time.

Really trying to find something new to play these days. Debating if I should play Alan Wake 2 or not.

Or might just go full time killer and replay Skyrim. I've only played it through once.... although it was a 250 hour playthrough lol
For the past two weeks the only gaming I’ve really done has been farting around with user made “slaughter maps” for Doom 2. The premise of slaughter maps are that they’re typically extremely hard, and have ungodly amounts of enemies. I played one that’s pretty infamous known as “Okuplok” which has a reputation of being one of the hardest maps ever made with over 23,000 monsters. Apparently it took over 11 years before someone finally beat it in a single sitting without saves.

When I play it I die pretty much instantly, so I played through it using the God mode invincibility cheat on. Even still, with that many enemies it took over 6 hours to play the single level to completion. It’s truly absurd.


almost done my 100 simulacrum runs in path of exile. just 4 more to go. ive been grinding away at them for 3 weeks now but i should be able to finish up with the rest of them done today.

looking forward to doing other shit in the game but im gonna miss all the constant loot payoffs. maybe i'll do a 50 simulacrum push sometime down the road maybe in the summer but i'm probably not gonna do a whole hundred again any time i don't think. the back half of the hundred has been wearing me down. now i'm just gonna go back to delving and mapping and heists and shit.
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