What do you like about the UFC and MMA?


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Dec 20, 2016
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What do you enjoy about the UFC?

What do you enjoy about mixed martial arts?

I like the international flavor. Music is a universal language and so is mixed martial arts. People from all walks of life battling it out mano a mano. I like watching all kinds of fights because it means something to each participant and coaches and loved ones. Also enjoy goofing around in the PbPs where there are lots of smart and funny people. The UFC fights get a lot of attention because it has amazing fighters and many thrilling fights. I also enjoy watching other organizations because each is enjoyable in its own way.

How about you?
I like the freedom of expression,you can be outclassed in every way,and still,figure out some way to win. Also since there are no 10 counts,its up to you to extricate yourself from danger,and this is very heroic to see.
I like that the UFC has most of the best fighters and often the best actually fight the best. That's about it for the UFC as an org. And as a general rule all promotions are vampires(except for RIZIN I will shill for them).

The main thing I enjoy about MMA watching but also the very little amounts of participating that I've done is it brings out feelings, urges and primordial Instincts within us that we have lost(for better or worse) in this modern world. Especially in rich western countries but increasingly all over. Also learning what is actually effective in a fight is fascinating and the number of techniques and rabbit holes of styles are endless.

I really like this Luke Thomas qoute about MMA:
"Struggle and fear tackled by athleticism, technical know-how and innate desires for self-preservation brings out a side in humanity that exists only in the deepest recesses of our being. MMA fighting has no peer when it comes to the demands the sport places on its participants both physically and psychologically. And I love watching that dynamic in action"".
Also I like the beefs, the nasty knockouts and submissions . The bizarre and strange moments at times grotesque, and other times funny or just plain wierd. The strange characters, tales and memes add much to it as well. And when two fighters embrace sportsmanship after a war you see a moment of comradely bonding that again is rare today. It's relatively international nature also adds a lot to the sport.

Also Sherdog and all of you wierd fuckers that make this place a cool, strange and at times shitty place to be :)
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It’s the ultimate form of competition. There’s two participants and they do everything in their power to win, to make the other one quit. It’s brutal yet beautiful.

There’s nothing like a good high level hand to hand, foot to face combat.
1. It's just plain fun watching guys hitting and submitting each other
2. I like following the story of "Who are the top fighters in the world at each division?" over the years. I like building up that knowledge in my head, looking at fighter's records, trying to compare resumes, etc.
80% of UFC content is watered down garbage and junk.

Some mega fights and fun stylistic match ups here and there watered down with shitty women's MMA and average fighters which would be considered bums if they were fighting in Bellator.

Weird how you saw "what do you like" but really read "write a short essay bitching about women"
Used to like the contrast in styles and the build up towards fights you waited years for like when the Pride fighters finally came over. Seeing 2 fighters with momentum go against each other and not knowing who is going to win is the most simple and pure form of enjoyment in combat sports IMO.

I feel that we see this less and less in modern day MMA. Every fighter has to be well rounded so you see less specialists/contrasts in styles. The match-making is also way worse now and even big upsets (one of the most exciting things in the old days) are completely watered down by forcing immediate rematches every time.

Still get excited for some fights but "can't miss cards" are only a few times a year for me now. Years of repetitive promotion about "p4p rankings" and stats about "highest takedown defense" wears you down eventually and is likely responsible for the extremely high turnover of fans in mma compared to other sports.

I enjoy more as a "casual" fan now just enjoying fights for what they are when I watch without really having investment either way. I'm not sure why people dump on the idea of being a casual fan of anything if you're humble about it... I'd rather have a variety of hobbies and interests than just be really into one thing
Appreciate the toughness, physical fitness, skill, and commitment of the fighters. All the training, the weight cut, and sacrifices fighters make just to get in the Octagon is impressive.
What do you enjoy about the UFC?

What do you enjoy about mixed martial arts?

I like the international flavor. Music is a universal language and so is mixed martial arts. People from all walks of life battling it out mano a mano. I like watching all kinds of fights because it means something to each participant and coaches and loved ones. Also enjoy goofing around in the PbPs where there are lots of smart and funny people. The UFC fights get a lot of attention because it has amazing fighters and many thrilling fights. I also enjoy watching other organizations because each is enjoyable in its own way.

How about you?

I like the one place to follow all the fighters and that it is not completely fragmented like boxing. I also like the regularity of it. There is really no other sport that doesn't have a big off season.
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Pretty much all that has been mentioned. And I also love when they're showing sportsmanship once the fights are over. Everyone in life is fighting a battle. People have different things to fight for. Like Chael said, "we fight everyday" and these fighters are literally doing that, fighting for what they love, their passion, for their families, and to be the best in the world. Personally, that just inspires me. Especially when fighters do things the right way and cut no corners, and that's what I love about MMA.

Just scrap.
The psychology of it above all else. The sport is brutal not just to the body, but the mind. Having a good team on your corner might win fights, but at the end of the day it's just 2 people engage in a simulated hand-to-hand combat where you can't blame other for your losses.

It's not perfect, It still opens to improvements such as better judging and decision-making on the referee's part - but it's as close as we get to Pankration in Ancient Greek, and Leitai in Ancient China; a true Cultural Universal that has almost been forgotten just 20 years ago.
There are so many things I love about MMA. Like most fans, I enjoy a great finish, whether sub or brutal knockout. On the flip side, I also enjoy a long, drawn-out war. I love the chess match aspect that some fights take on, where each fighter is trying to force or manipulate the other into a situation that is advantageous. I love seeing an overmatched fighter refuse to quit and eventually grit out a win. I love watching a dominant champion, where everyone knows what they're going to do, but can't stop them. I also love watching a division where any of a half-dozen fighters could take the belt on a given night. I love the redemption stories we've seen, with people like Lawler, Blachowicz, Oliveira, and Teixeira getting the belt long after most had written them off.
In short, I love this brutal, glorious, messy sport.