What do you listen to when you're depressed?


Titanium Belt
Jun 6, 2010
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Marching bands might be my favorite song ever.
I usually listen to love songs with great lyrics.
are the songs supposed to make you feel more, or less depressed? if i want to sulk in my depression, then i'll play stuff like this:

Maybe make you feel a little...more...just saying.
Fucking +1 for Leonard Bernstein appearing in a Sherdog post, good job @IIIIIIII

If I wanna dive into the depression and, kinda ride it out til it goes away, usually things like Lou Reed's Berlin album.


And oddly:

Off the top of my head, can't think of anything that I listen to to distract and make me laugh during depressive moments.
The Smiths bro

I listen to extreme metal with heavy brutal riffs or something that sounds energetic and with positive atmosphere. Don't want to sound edgy at all, If It seems like that on the outside. It's just that I speak from my own experience. I've been dabbling with melancholic and sad music in periods like this and it only brought me down. Bands like Bolt Thrower, Dissection, Crowbar, Tool and many more are what inspire me and get me going.

Everyone's different though, just sharing how things are with me.

And I still appreciate all types of music including the sad types of music, but I know when not to listen to them and in what quantities should I listen to them.
Your problem is that you're not happy being sad. But that's what love is, Cosmo. Happy sad.

If I want to wallow in the sadness for a while then something like this

The Smiths bro


The Smiths hit the melancholic sweet spot & then some.

are the songs supposed to make you feel more, or less depressed? if i want to sulk in my depression, then i'll play stuff like this:

Whichever you ever prefer.
Honestly Mortician or some other really heavy death metal.

I get riled up and I can't help but not feel like shit anymore.

Gives me energy.
When I'm down in a slump, I listen to a lot of Alice in Chains, Trouble, and Tesla

Sometimes melancholy stuff like this:

Other times more positive or energy inspiring stuff.

And sometimes just a good dose of metal to try and pull me out of my funk (anger is better than depression):
