What do you think about Chinese traditional medicine and herbalism?


Yellow Belt
Apr 29, 2022
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Just wanted to ask this somewhere other than on a healthcare forum in order to hear some opinions from the public at large....and I don't think it's been discussed on Sherdog in recent memory.
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Care to detail? And do you work in healthcare yourself?
I do, respiratory therapist since 2005. Left the field in 2016 to do computers but came back for travel money. August 4 is the end of my contract then I decide my next move.

There’s too much, so first I’ll just say define eastern medicine because people like to count a medicine used in it as eastern medicine when that’s the same as western medicine.

Meditation works but I’m willing to bet not any more than prayer for most people. Acupuncture works. Anything that works has been picked out already, with few exceptions.

So how we define this will help me to lay a blanket statement out.
I do, respiratory therapist since 2005. Left the field in 2016 to do computers but came back for travel money. August 4 is the end of my contract then I decide my next move.

There’s too much, so first I’ll just say define eastern medicine because people like to count a medicine used in it as eastern medicine when that’s the same as western medicine.

Meditation works but I’m willing to bet not any more than prayer for most people. Acupuncture works. Anything that works has been picked out already, with few exceptions.

So how we define this will help me to lay a blanket statement out.
Fellow RRT Sherbro. I just stopped traveling and went full time again. Those weekly paychecks were nice.
I'm on year 10 of it. I switched to a smaller hospital. I get to actually talk with patients. It keeps me entertained enough. CABGs in a 10 bed ICU and 30 other total beds. Not a bad RT gig at least.
I do, respiratory therapist since 2005. Left the field in 2016 to do computers but came back for travel money. August 4 is the end of my contract then I decide my next move.

There’s too much, so first I’ll just say define eastern medicine because people like to count a medicine used in it as eastern medicine when that’s the same as western medicine.

Meditation works but I’m willing to bet not any more than prayer for most people. Acupuncture works. Anything that works has been picked out already, with few exceptions.

So how we define this will help me to lay a blanket statement out.

I was referring to Chinese traditional medicine in particular rather than 'Eastern medicine'....'Eastern' is a very broad and off the mark term (granted Japanese, Korean, and Thai traditional medicine are very much based on the Chinese one).
So the herbal medicine that it entails (some modern form drugs have come out of it), acupuncture (you've mentioned it already), tui na massage, cupping, die-da.
And as I was saying above, it's the only form for traditional medicine that is recognised by the World Health Organisation.
I'm native American, so my family has a history of traditional medicine.

It's better than nothing, but lightyears away from modern medicine.

There are huge differences between TCM and native American traditional medicine. You can't lump them together just because they are non-Western. The cultures of these two groups of people are as different from each other as they are from North American and European culture.
Well I recognize the value in some herbal medicine because that’s where a lot modern medicines were derived from. For example aspirin was derived from the bark of willow trees.

But that being said I suspect a lot of it is bullshit, like ground up rhino horn being an aphrodisiac or tiger gallbladder curing cancer. Like for christ sake leave these super critical endangered species alone that only have like 50 animals left in the world and go buy some viagara like a normal man with a flaccid cock.
It’s bullshit. Eating ground up tiger penis doesn’t do anything for you.
You could take any of the other stuff like that, so blind trials or just empirical studies and easily show they have no medicinal value. I’m sure it has already been done.
It’s bullshit. Eating ground up tiger penis doesn’t do anything for you.
You could take any of the other stuff like that, so blind trials or just empirical studies and easily show they have no medicinal value. I’m sure it has already been done.

Um quite the contrary. Many modern form medicine have come out of TCM.
Not sure why you would even speak if you don't actually know anything about a particular topic. And they way you express yourself....you definitely sound like a teenager (or an over-grown teenager).
Um quite the contrary. Many modern form medicine have come out of TCM.
Not sure why you would even speak if you don't actually know anything about a particular topic. And they way you express yourself....you definitely sound like a teenager (or an over-grown teenager).
Like what? Give me an example.