Movies What do you think is the movie you can watch the most?

North Shore
Road House
The Dreamers NC-17
The Big Sky 1952

Far from the Maddening Crowd 1967

Nashville 1975

Master and Commander 2003
LOTR trilogy
Star Wars trilogy
Top Gun
Rocky 1-4
Terminator 1/2
I remember taping Bloodsport off TBS and watching it every day after school for like a month or two, so I guess that one.
good bad n ugly, for a few dollars more, probably those 2. groundhog day , lost in translation
An American Werewolf in London
Forrest Gump
The Great Escape
The dollar trilogy movies
My man!! I didn't think anyone else had seen this movie
Interestingly, large parts of the fight choreography of that movie were taken directly from the 1990 Hong Kong action film "She Shoots Straight". Since both were directed by Corey Yuen, chances are he figured "ehh, nobody will notice, why waste time starting from scratch?".
If i catch a Jackie Chan on then i'm watching it through to the end
Interestingly, large parts of the fight choreography of that movie were taken directly from the 1990 Hong Kong action film "She Shoots Straight". Since both were directed by Corey Yuen, chances are he figured "ehh, nobody will notice, why waste time starting from scratch?".

It may be cheesy, but it's a pretty fun movie tbh
road house, bloodsport, karate kid, tombstone, return of the jedi, predator
Dumb and Dumber
Shawshank Redemption
No Country For Old Men