What do you usually have for breakfast?

A glass of kefir.


Maybe an apple if I'm feeling crazy
Black coffee and maybe a breakfast burrito or sandwich, but if I have time it is porkchops and eggs.
Cup of tea or hot chocolate and a banana
Packet of organic oatmeal with a spoonful of peanut butter mixed in. Healthy, filling, takes 30 seconds to make, and dirt cheap (total cost is like 40 cents).
Oh - I noticed!

I am surprised you did not mention your butler serving you your fancy breakfast on gold plated dishes


(on serious note - I hope it was delicious)
Funny you mentioned a butler be ause I just got one of those lolIMG_20240131_154854_01.jpg

It was delicious though ;)
on weekdays i usually get a nutritional bar...occasional get a muffin from the coffeeshop. On weekends, i'll do a proper breakfast with eggs, becon/sausage and toast with juice....or French Toast to mix it up from time to time.

Cereal is an anytime of day day meal for me...snack or replacement meal. I seriously could have cereal anytime, i switch up which ones i buy, right now its mini-wheats
I have lunch for breakfast and sometimes for dinner too.

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