What happened to Michelle Trachtenberg?

SHit that s the girl from Queen s Gambit? She also did the reptile thing? The Great Zygos War "GZW" claims another soul.
BFR, not even once.

Things that have never looked good on a woman: BFR, lip filler, and going scorched earth on eyebrows.

I've tried telling my little cousin that no guy has ever looked at a girl and thought "Damn she would be attractive if she only had better lips". You either have nice lips like Angelina Jolie, your lips are not noticeable and completely irrelevant to your attractiveness or you have lip fillers and your face looks unnatural and fucked up.

She still gets them. Not only does her face look like a puffy mess because of it but it also makes it look like her IQ is about 30 points lower.
the idea of walking around with a big droopy ass and tits when you're 55 should scare people away from it.

With all due respect, and remember I said with all due respect, this is the dumbest fucking thing I read on Sherdog all day so congrats on that
A 20 year old hottie is supposed to care that her fake tits aint gonna look good in 35 years?
Ninja, her real tits aint gonna look good in 35 years either!
What is this world coming to
Her and Erin Moriaty both look like an absolute shell of their former selves. Michelle looks like she has some serious medical issues going on, with her skin color and tones.
It's called aging and plastic surgery. Women age terribly for the most part already without plastic surgery, the surgery just makes them look like an alien creature.
Her and Erin Moriaty both look like an absolute shell of their former selves. Michelle looks like she has some serious medical issues going on, with her skin color and tones.

Michelle claims that she has never had cosmetic surgery. She reminds me of a young lady I know who went vegan. She got that hollowed out look and he skin color started getting a yellow-green tinge.
Reminds me of Erin Moriarty.
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tyrion pimp slaps Joffrey.gif

That's what she needed. Le sigh.

There was that guy in mayberry a few months back going nuts about his zygomatic arches holding him back in the dating world.

EVERYONE told him to work out and hang out with people with shared interests to meet more women, he's like "no, I need surgery".

There's a fine line between zygo envy and body image disorders.

I remember that nutjob. Among all the threads I have read over the years here on Sherdog, that was one of the fucking weirdest.
Could be vegan?

That Anya Taylor Joy went from being an ok looking chick in the witch to having an elongated drawn in face now too. Looks weird as fuck.

Maybe its a new Hollywood beauty standard
With all due respect, and remember I said with all due respect, this is the dumbest fucking thing I read on Sherdog all day so congrats on that
A 20 year old hottie is supposed to care that her fake tits aint gonna look good in 35 years?
Ninja, her real tits aint gonna look good in 35 years either!
What is this world coming to
It's dumb to expect a 20 year old to have some thought about permanently altering their body via surgery? It'd be just as retarded for a guy that injected his arms with that shit to make his muscles look big.

And it's not just that they "don't look good in 35 years". It's deeper than that.
These chicks are "hot" in a more morbid curiosity/I want to try that one time kind of way....not in a "I want to marry this woman and make her the mother of my child and for her to meet my parents/friends" kind of way.
It's not even 20 year olds that are doing this. It's a lot of older women.

THere's a difference between natural sag and droop, and what a BBL and silicone tits are going to look like on a 65 year old woman. They already look ridiculous now. They're not going to look "bad" in 35 years, they're going to look hideous to the eye and to the mind. I don't see how these girls even wipe their ass now let alone how they'll do it in the future.

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