What is the age gap between you and your wife/gf?

My ex is 4 years older than me.
she's like 3 or 4 years younger
I'm 40, my wife is one month older. We went to college (highschool) together. She's the responsible one, looks after me.
im 33 and went on a date with a chick who just turned 21 and it was weird
17 years.

I'm 41, she's 23 (24 this year).
I'm 31 she's 29, gap seems about perfect for our ages
I am 36, 37 in November, and she turned 33 yesterday. We have been together 18 years. Yep.... that math....
Last girl I dated is 27 and I'm 32. Biggest gap ever for me. My longtime GF was 1 year younger.

I like women around my age. 3 years either way is good.
:( No man snared currently. :p
Hmm latest relationship was with a gentleman ten years older.
Worked pretty well.. but ended up wanting different things as it goes.
I'm 29 and my girlfriend is 25. Works out perfectly so far.
I'm nine years older than my wife. I was surprised at the number of responses that match or exceed that.
I'm 6 months older.

The huge age gap sounds nice when you're the older man but you're probably going to get cheated on at some point. No girl wants to spend her 20s with a guy in his 40s/50s.
Mere days, mid 30’s. This girl is a fucking idiot tough. Can’t take her anywhere. The other day we poked our head into Subway of all places where she proceeds to get some gargantuan soda to wash her low calorie sandwich down. On the way out she grips the plastic cup too hard, causing it to fold and it’s contents to spill all over the floor. Instead of asking for help she then throws the cup on the floor and heads for the door. I got to look like the dumbass and ask for a mop. Some sweet young girl said she’ll get it and I thank her profusely before leaving.

Lesson learned? Get a girl who can mop.