What is the most expired thing you've ever eaten?


Titanium Belt
Jan 14, 2013
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I'm currently eating greek yogurt which expired on August 10. Tastes perfectly fine.

To what depths have you all sunk?
I ate some vitamin b gel tabs that were like 3 years expired last Sunday. Had diarreah for 2 full days, then constipation for 3 until a couple hours ago.
Went to a friends grandma's house as a kid, she gave us each a can of pepsi, I was stoked because my mom was a health nut who would barely approve sugary juice, opened the can and took a big gulp. That shit was chunky. Looked at the date and it was over 2 years expired.
Was shit faced one night and ate some bread that was green with mold
When I was a fat lil shit 11/12 year old, I ate a bag of m&m that was 5 years past the expiration date. I planned to go play street hockey that day, I proceeded to puke all over my roller blades and over 30 times for the entire day. After the first few times, there was no more food coming out but pure bile.

I’ve curbed my intake of expired food ever since.
I tend not to eat any products where the expiry date matters. Dairy is off the menu in that regard.

I have taken some chances on some leftover meats, however. Those grocery store cooked chickens are sketchy enough as is. I have indulged a good five days after I bought one though.
One time I had bread on the 24th and it said the expiration date as the 23rd
Several years old instant plastic tray Maruchan noodles. You'd think they'd be ok since they are flash fried dried, but they develop a really nasty old "not meant to be food" taste.
years ago my mom made me pasta for lunch and it had feta in it. I thought it tasted a little weird so I didn't finish half of it. Came home saw the tub of feta was like 2 weeks past the expiration date. The smell was disgusting and I have no idea how she didn't notice or at least look at the fucking date.
I remember few years ago eating some Lays chips that were 4 months out of date.. they didn't taste too weird but they were very dry, so dry, I knew something was wrong with them instantly. the flavor was the same though.
I drank 2 years expired beer. Flatter than shit.
I found an unopened plastic package of pasta inside a box that was in a storage locker for years. Expiration date on it was around 2012 I think. I boiled a little of it for fun. It had taken on a funky smell from being the locker, but totally edible - I didn't get sick or anything. Pasta confirmed apocalypse-ready food.
I've eaten canned soup that was 5 years past the date on the can. The dates are sell by dates not when the product goes bad.