What's the least and most you ever weighed as an adult?

I’m 5’10 and I weighed 290ish a couple years ago. I’m down to 225-230 now and am pushing for 200, I’ve gone this far by changing eating habits but I think I’m gonna need to hit some weights or cardio to get down to 200.

One day I hope, I’ve been fat almost my whole life and it sucks.
6'6, just over 200lbs lightest I reckon, about 270lbs at max bulk, I'm running weekly now and watching the diet a little. Down to 255 approx. Muscles are a bit smaller but still lifting the same 1rm minus about 3%. Was a tough go of it health wise last year so I'm looking to the future. I want to be lean and stable in a couple of years. Can't be 50 plus and carrying the pounds.

And on the BMI thing, yeah it's not useful if you're not average, but it does speak some truth, generally it doesn't matter to much how you get a higher BMI, you will die earlier than people with low BMI on average. I'm tall and carry a good weight on my frame, that's not good post 60, ain't many tall guys in their 80s.
Lightest 140lbs in my early 30s
Heaviest 220lbs age 41
Current 205lbs age 43
6'4 with an adult range of roughly 200-300lb checking in
6'2 most I ever weighed was 292. Least was 168 when I was going thru some health shit. Now I sit at a nice 210. It's crazy how you don't really notice as it's happening, then you look back after like holy fuck.
I'm 1,73mts barefoot (or 5ft8).

I was like 50kgs at 18 (110lbs) and have been slowly gaining weight over the years. My peak was around 66kgs (146lbs) last year. Currently sitting at 64/65kgs (142/144lbs).

I think my profile pic was at my heaviest.. I was definitely carrying more bodyfat than now.

I will be 36 in may.
First off I'm about 5'10". The least I ever weighed was 130lbs. I was obsessed in losing so much weight in my early 20s. The most I ever weighed is 225lbs in my mid 30s. Now I weigh 200lbs or so.

Least is about 180 before I started lifting weights for bodybuilding purposes. Then I walked around 200 after a few years. For powerlifting I ignored dieting and got up to about 255. Got injured and gave up on getting a pro card so Back down to 220. Dieted to 207ish but it cost me a lot of strength so said fuck that and rest around 210-220.
Most would have been around 211 lbs when I was about 30 years old after my son was born.

Least was 147 lbs when I was 22 years after backpacking through Asia for 3 months.

165 lbs is I think my optimal weight as that’s what I weighed when I was in shape working out all the time from age 19-21.

Right now I’m around 204 lbs and I’m closing in on 38. I’d like to lose some weight before my 20th high school anniversary reunion in May.
6'2" - most ever weighed was 195 but I always skip leg day. lease ever was 158 after a week with the flu. thought i was going to die.
When I broke my back I shot up to 410lbs in 2005.

Started running daily and was able to get down to 225lbs.

I'm usually around 250-270 range but have been running again so hope to see 225 again soon.
I’m 5’11
Most was around 275 (post football, kept eating the same without intense workouts; ballooned up)

Least is around 225
5' 11"
Least: 147
Most: 210
Current: 150
Spent most of my adult life at 155. Put on weight due to severe injury/waiting long time for surgery/covid. I think ideally i'd like to be around 170.
I'm just about 6ft. I was 170lbs when I graduated college. I was a runner, still competing. I graduated and stopped running and took up weight lifting with very little cardio (I was burned out). I weighed 205 by age 27. Got up to 212 4 years ago and realized I needed to lose some LBS. Cut portions and crap out. Added fruits, berries, nuts. Got down to 190. Currently 198.

Lightest: 170lbs
Heaviest: 212lbs
Current: 198Lbs
Goal: 190lbs

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