Where do you buy/listen to your music?


Hate the game, not the player.
Sep 14, 2008
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The reason I'm asking this is because I'm thinking of getting Dezzer and Google Chromecast Audio.

I now buy most of my music on ITunes and I started to buy vinyl again a couple of years ago. I can't remember when was the last time I bought a CD.
Ebay, distros for buying. Listen on computer and mp3 player. Used to use last.fm as well before it turned into a pile of shit.
Buy music? Lol.

Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud.
Often local record stores, or various websites for more rare stuff.

Physical media ftw!
It's called Deezer, if it's the same thing we're talking about.

Basically I've been switching between Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer for the last few years.
Pandora and xm radio for 90% of my music consumption YouTube when I want to hear something in particular
I can't strand streaming services. To me, I just don't see how you could be much of a music fan if you stream everything and rely on services to have music.

These days, I get FLAC rips as my main source of music for listening and then I convert them to lesser for formats for the phone and car.

I then buy vinyl for the albums that grab me the most.

YouTube and stuff like that would only be if I'm sampling something or want to watch a movie. People using that as their main source of music makes me angry. No one gives a shit about quality anymore or cares about owning things. Music is precious to me and I just don't understand people that don't have a passion for certain things.
I'll still buy new music from bands I love, anymore though you have to buy it online.
Other than that Spotify premium
I have google play music.

I don't like the app interface but it has everything on there that I want. Plus it comes with YoutubeRed.
spotify premium, amazon to buy the occasional cd.
Buy music? Have you been living under a rock for the last 20 years?
I get everything off of YouTube and save it on my phone and my PC.

I usually listen to music while driving and sitting around at home.
iTunes or Amazon mp3 digital music store.

I wish more Japanese stuff would be available in US of A iTunes/Amazon. They don't like selling to worldwide audience? What are they holding out for?
Buy - Discogs or record stores
Listen - Youtube
I'd like to buy records, if they weren't so expensive.

Generally though, I just use YouTube or Spotify.