Which band artists regularly show up in your dreams?


Black Belt
Nov 16, 2015
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It is really only one for me: Pink Floyd. I don't recall ever dreaming about any other band. I have had so many dreams over decades where I meet and have conversations with either Waters or Gilmore that I have lost count. With a wide range of content.

In one Roger Waters was somehow my dad. In another one I am helping him remodel a house. In yet another we're hanging out in a cafe with friends decrying the state of music these days.

My most recent one was last night. I am talking with David Gilmore about some little known solo album he did and in the dream I guessed that it was Robert Wyatt who did drums for it (never happened of course, only in the dream).

Anyway which bands do you dream about? OR more specifically which artists do you dream you are personally interacting with?
0 :(

Never had a dream involving any artist. A little envious of you right now, ts, gotta admit.
Yeah I don't get anyone either, did you take much acid dude?

Imagine having a soundtrack to your dreams... How fly
Had a dream with this song last night, for some reason.

Zero. Although considering that they are mostly males..I'm more than ok with that. Although if "prime" Christiana Aguilera or Lady Gaga want to slide into my dreams, the door is always open.