which fighter or fight made you fall in love with mma

Fedor vs Nog 1. Seeing that expressionless slightly chubby Russian guy transform into a frenzied beserker and smash the world champion in such a brutal and dominant fashion blew my mind.
Hard to say.

One thing I remember was Fabricio Werdums championship run. He was just so fun to watch back then. Watched his fight vs Travis a whole bunch of times, simply because Werdums confidence and joy of fighting was so infectious.
The Gracie Hunter

He's the guy who turned me from a K-1 guy who was kinda curious about PRIDE because of the cross-overs, to a full blown MMA-head.

The one time I gotta agree with CM PUNK

(time-stamped for your convenience)

Saku was my first "favorite MMA fighter" back in the very early 2000s, and to this day he's still my number one. It was really nice to see him get into the UFC HOF, even if he only fought there for one night...

watching him control and finish those ogres with 50 pounds on him was a thing of beauty. Not only became a fan but also started to train. That was like........maybe 25-30 years ago.
First time I saw an mma match, I thought it was dogshit. Two fat guys throwing bad strikes.
Then one day a friend was watching a tape on a VHS player and Vitor Belfort - Wanderlei Silva came up.
Two juice heads throwing bad strikes.
to be honest, I was completely exhilarated watching first UFC events in early 90s as a kid that studied martial arts, it was like watching a martial arts movie in real life for me. Wasn't a specific fighter at all.
I can tell you which “mma” made me fall in love with fighter.


“Mama Mia!”
Royce and super early illegal satellite PPVs did it for me, then I fell off a bit in the mid/late 90s because you just couldn't find it here, picked back up around 99 and followed pretty steadily, then shit went crazy when TUF hit.

Royce was my intro, but Chuck, Tito, and Randy were prob the ones the really hooked me.
Definitely Sakuraba. Though I have a special place in my heart for "NO KNOWN WEAKNESSES" Vitor sending Wanderlei to the great beyond in about 20 seconds with one of the greatest displays of pure juiciness ever committed to film
This guy:
