Which would you like to see get legalized nationwide first, weed or prostitution?

Seems like both are readily
available. Legalizing weed takes the small time farmer out of the picture which kind of sucks. Big companies and distributers make the money now. If prostitution is legal then government would want to put their hand in the cookie jar so to speak. I don't think a transaction like that should be taxed in anyway. Maybe if it was decriminalized with some sort of safety measures taken????
Not if they legalize weed correctly. Anyone should be allowed to grow it I should be able to buy it from my neighbor
This is the same guy as the usernamehere guy right?
Prostitution. End this only fans era. Weed beIng legal is inconsequential. You can smoke now, sometimes better, that its illegal. Only thing is fentanyl could be in it nowadays.
prostitution is legal here in sydney, australia, so i guess weed...
Good point. Artistic prostitution.
Both should be legal. First off hookers... fucking government dictating what others are allowed to do with their own bodies? I mean WTF is that bullshit?
I once was leaving Costco and noticed these two older women dressed like young ho's or spies looking to steal military secrets from officers with low standards. They both had big fake boob cleavage and wore short teeny bopper skirts with high heels. Zero probability they were ordinary civilians.
Weed course cause fuck dem biotches!

They should both be legal, weed less harmful than alcohol which is legal, and what a man and woman agree to and do behind closed doors is no one elses business.
I guess the devils lettuce. Something about legalization of whoring makes me worry about an uptick in stds
I once was leaving Costco and noticed these two older women dressed like young ho's or spies looking to steal military secrets from officers with low standards. They both had big fake boob cleavage and wore short teeny bopper skirts with high heels. Zero probability they were ordinary civilians.

Oh I thought this was a story about Costco selling hookers........
Get rid of deug testing for weed in all job sectors..its ridiculous. You can be high on adderall and narcotics legally at work but a little leaf isnt allowed. Smh

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