Who did better against Leon. Colby or Usman?

Usman. Leon pretty much just scored points with leg kicks and didn't do much damage in either fight, but Usman took him down more and had more offense even though Leon landed twice as many strikes against Usman as he did against Colby.

People who only look at stats will be quick to point out Usman absorbed twice as many strikes as Colby did, was dropped with a body kick and rocked by a big knee up the middle, but that's because he actually fought.

He came forward, applied pressure to Leon and got countered by a sniper,

Colby didn't dare to engage Leon on the feet at all. He hung back and was content to have his leg chewed up, throwing "stay away from me" strikes from way out of range. I'm not saying he was scared, I'm not in his head space, but he fought like a man who was scared.

People who only look at stats will be quick to point out Usman absorbed twice as many strikes as Colby did, was dropped with a body kick and rocked by a big knee up the middle, but that's because he actually fought.

He came forward, applied pressure to Leon and got countered by a sniper,

Colby didn't dare to engage Leon on the feet at all. He hung back and was content to have his leg chewed up, throwing "stay away from me" strikes from way out of range. I'm not saying he was scared, I'm not in his head space, but he fought like a man who was scared.

Scared of pillow fists Leon?
He fought like a man who was injured.
Usman 3rd fight vs Leon he only won one round just as Colby only won 1 round vs Leon, you can say they both did as badly as the other.
Usman's success was because he pressured Leon and won a position. Colby's success was because Leon went for a submission and gave up a position. They are not the same thing.
Usman actually beat him handily once and was 1 minute away from 49-46

Colby is lucky they didn’t arrest him for theft.

Isn’t even close.
You know what’s crazy is that I think Conor was rambling in one of his drunk twitter voice notes about Leon using wrist control against Usman in their third fight and how strikers are starting to figure out how to shut down wrestlers, and than against Colby sure enough he uses wrist control and almost totally stopped Colby’s wrestling, seems like there was something to his drunk rambling
Usman for sure. 1 win and 2 close fights vs a 1 sided loss
Usman had a more dominant round, Colby just got a reversal and laid on Leon.
More than 5 minutes of control with 0 significant clinch strikes, 0 ground strikes, and 0 submission attempts. Colby's lack of effectiveness was stunning.
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