Who's the most iconic female singers of all-time?

Who's the most iconic female musician of all-time?

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Dolly > Madonna. In every area


Maybe I'm just partial as Dolly has be the kindest , probably the best hearted human being in the history of Celebrity. Also in her prime she was an LA 10 with mega boobs that even adds to it.
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You can leave Madonna and Swift on that list, and drop the rest. Its them two, and then all others. Not even a discussion to be honest.
Both Dolly an Reba would disagree.
Going with Dolly as a write in. HM to Madonna

Are any female instrument players as iconic as any of the singers really? What have we got

Susan Tedeschi? Allison Krauss? Her Brother Vic is an accomplished Cellist and a life long friend of mine.
Both Dolly an Reba would disagree.
Sorry, they aren't even close. I've been around long enough to remember their peaks, and they were nowhere near as "big" as Madonna and Swift. Don't get me wrong, they were hugely popular and I certainly prefer them, but they never reached the same heights.
90% of those ladies don't write their own lyrics
Sorry, they aren't even close. I've been around long enough to remember their peaks, and they were nowhere near as "big" as Madonna and Swift. Don't get me wrong, they were hugely popular and I certainly prefer them, but they never reached the same heights.

Have you seen the list of Rock Stars that collaborated on Dolly's most recent Album? It's like one of the Aid Concert line-ups.

What other Female Artist gets that participation from other Icons? Here is the Mash-up that they did for the 50th CMA. Clear by song selection and placement in this colab what her peers within her own genre think about her star power.

Most of the women in your poll don't even play a musical instrument. Taylor may be the only one. Change to singer or performer?

Fair enough, but this is the definition of musician.


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