why doesn't Khabib fight in ADCC?!

"He's a slave to his undefeated legacy shtick"
I mean it's pretty obvious that Khabib is a prisoner of his own success. No matter what he does people who hate him will be on tenterhooks for him to fail or lose so that he's no longer "undefeated". But him and his father crafted that as part of his image from the beginning. So he sort of asked for it even if it's still a shitty thing for others to do.

Fedor went undefeated for a decade but he wasn't the one driving the narrative of his invincibility so he took the loss gracefully and kept at it. Whereas GSP had to go to a sports psychologists and drastically alter his fighting style after the Serra loss.

These guys ain't made of stone, their personal perceptions of their legacy means alot to them.
I dont think Khabib is a prisoner to his success at all. He chose to leave cos he didnt want to do it anymore,and he did.

I think he sleeps well at night,and has great dreams.

GSP played THE GREAT GAME and won.

Once Fedor lost his VERY LONG reign of momentum,he desperatley tried to get it back,but it was gone forever.
Because he isn't a good enough grappler to do well in ADCC?

His grappling is perfect for MMA, and cage wrestling too.

But as a wrestler and pure grappler? He isn't too great at either
dude stfu... one of the best if not THE best grappler in MMA and you reckon hes not good at either? they guy has trained since a child...
I honestly feel like I have mentally digressed reading your post.
fuck me
I dont think hed do well in ADCC grappling. GNP is a big part of Khabibs grappling dominance in MMA. IMO Islam would do better in ADCC

maybe he wants to prove how superior Sambo is compared to jiu jitsu in ADCC?! Khabib has fought all his life, that feeling of competing never goes away.

look Evander will fight with Almost 60 years old.


True warriors never lose the will to compete.

Just out of curiosity, how would he prove Sambo is superior to JJ by taking part in a competition with completely different rule sets from Sambo?

If somebody was wearing a "If MMA was easy, it would be called boxing" shirt, would their participation in a boxing tournament somehow be relevant in that debate?
dude stfu... one of the best if not THE best grappler in MMA and you reckon hes not good at either? they guy has trained since a child...
I honestly feel like I have mentally digressed reading your post.
fuck me

Lol why so sensitive?

Khabib is not a pure wrestler or BJJ guy, he would get owned against the top guys in either sport, which is to be expected. You may of mentally digressed, or possibly always been dumb as rocks.
His SUBMISSION GAME specifically is more diverse without gnp. He attacks a wider variety of subs and chains them together very well without GnP. His entire approach is different. Hes way more aggressive wirh submissions without punches out of necessity. He uses more subs in place of punches. In mma he only goes for simple high percentage subs from advantageous positions. In pure grappling he'll attack from wherever.

He isn't that far from top level. In a year or 2 he could match these guys imo but he doesn't seem interested unfortunately. Also Khabib already is mortal lol. People put him on a pedestal too much. The man has weak points and holes in his game. Not many but they're there.
Okay? Even if I concede that his submission game would be more diverse (which I honestly have no opinion on since it seems like he might still pursue high probability submissions in a pure grappling format anyways) that doesn’t make it better. I think his style would be further confounded by the drastic alteration of what constitutes a “good” position within such a match, given that his opponent no longer has to worry about defending punches, making it easier to set up submissions of their own.
dude stfu... one of the best if not THE best grappler in MMA and you reckon hes not good at either? they guy has trained since a child...
I honestly feel like I have mentally digressed reading your post.
fuck me
Yet another unwarranted, psychotic, angry post from you<{cruzshake}>
Yet another unwarranted, psychotic, angry post from you<{cruzshake}>
Well arent you the Happy Unicorn farting lolly rainbows adding light hearted fluff and joy to every post.
Who did actually make you the unofficial monitor on the tone of messages on here? no one so fuck off.

The whole thread is a thinly veiled hate thread
Lol why so sensitive?

Khabib is not a pure wrestler or BJJ guy, he would get owned against the top guys in either sport, which is to be expected. You may of mentally digressed, or possibly always been dumb as rocks.
quite the contrary , I dont think hed be ' owned ' by anybody ,hes a world class athlete , despite the few in here trying to sprout otherwise.
The guy has trained from early childhood, to claim hed just get wrapped up in seconds is as some of the yanks like to say in here ... asinine
Well arent you the Happy Unicorn farting lolly rainbows adding light hearted fluff and joy to every post.
Who did actually make you the unofficial monitor on the tone of messages on here? no one so fuck off.

The whole thread is a thinly veiled hate thread
Who hurt you?
He is the best at what he did. But he is not the best grappler on earth and would get his ass handed to him badly there. And despite his rumoured humble nature. He does not look like someone who would deal with defeat that well. And he would. Absolutely have the need.

I should also add, I would give the same reason that the champions of ADCC haven't competed in the Sambo world championships.
Haven't ADCC changed their rules so wrestlers like Mark Kerr don't win by decision via wrestling control? From what I've seen recently it's degraded into a glorified leglock contest.