Why is playing video games so frowned upon?

If you're content with your professional life and designations, and you're good with your personal development, then there's nothing wrong with using time to play video games
I'll throw on some GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Silent Hill or Resident Evil every so often but I just never understood the whole online gaming thing. I want to escape into my own world when I play a game, not talk to or interact with others.
I'm the opposite as I get older, I mainly stick to online co op altho I still like GTA but they have online for that as well
Because video games weren’t really a thing for our parents’ generation. Since they caught in with us when we were kids, they see it as something kids do. But then they watch tv shows. Someone from the 19th, and early 20th centuries would call them childish for doing that.
People are just self projecting their own dissatisfaction in their own wasted life on you.

We are all going to die. I dont care what people do with their life, just stay away from me cuz im doing my thing. (FYI I dont even play video games)
Playing video games isn't frowned on; toxic gamer culture is frowned upon.
People only look down on people who play video games when they don't respect that person on a fundamental level. If someone is a Nobel chemist or the poet laureate and happen to play video games, no one says anything. When you make $30k and spend the rest of your time jerking off to cosplay porn and playing video games people tend to think you're a low-life cunt.

Either that or I just made all that up.
As long as you have a job then I'd never make fun of anyone who plays video games.

Unemployed people though, every time they pick up that controller I'm like, "how's that job search going?"
I'm 44 and still enjoy videogames quite a bit, always have. I don't play everyday and it's 2-4hrs max when I do. Been playing the new Halo a good bit.
I never dedicated massive amounts of time to them I'm always doing lots of different stuff with my time. That said I really like how games keep getting better and don't think I'm wasting time when I'm having a blast playing something.

I would think big part a some people looking down on it is when someone does nothing but play games, they can definitely be addicting and take a lot from peoples health in mind and body. We have this demography of people
increasing really fast right now with the younger folks.

We only have so long to have fun... make that time count.
Yes, I'm sure they spend all their time on only the most noble and honorable pursuits. Also, you should start throwing your gf under the bus more often at the dinner table.

It's like someone already said: if you are employed and your hard earned money funds your gaming, you're good to go. Now, if your gf is funding it while you do nothing but sit around in your own filth, gaming and being broke...then ignore what I said, but that doesn't seem to be the situation.
It's your social circle. If you had more geeky friends, they wouldn't even bat an eye. It's also probably your generation as well, people nearing 40 won't have the same level of acceptance as people in their 20s.
It's your social circle. If you had more geeky friends, they wouldn't even bat an eye. It's also probably your generation as well, people nearing 40 won't have the same level of acceptance as people in their 20s.
I wonder what social circle is it that they watch desperate housewives
I stopped playing when the Halo series ran its course and I was in my 40’s back then.