why is shogun considered an ufc legend

Lol k dummy go check ur source of Wikipedia because shogun didnt lose twice to forrest he knocked him out the second time and never got kod by gus it was a decision. I wont argue whether shogun is a ufc legend but ur facts almost seem like youre trolling

I guess u believe everything wiki tells u because u cant think for yourself

Sheep exposed
I guess u believe everything wiki tells i because u cant think for yourself

Sheep exposed
Naw i havnt been to wiki since i discovered the great amazing fight finder on sherdog. But i thought that was your source before i realized you were just trolling and trying to get a rise out of people and get as much activity on your thread as you could. Unfortunately i fell for it
Bro its okay to admit you have problems reading nobody here will judge u
Google is the friend of the retard such as yourself. So use it. An amazing thing called the imterwebs gives dweebs like you access to how pronunciation affects the use of a or an. A U-Haul truck crashed yesterday and ran into your trailer park. A UFC fighter was found balls deep in reckufssa.
Google is the friend of the retard such as yourself. So use it. An amazing thing called the imterwebs gives dweebs like you access to how pronunciation affects the use of a or an. A U-Haul truck crashed yesterday and ran into your trailer park. A UFC fighter was found balls deep in reckufssa.

Youve already been owned n u cant read lol
Shogun is a legend cause hes 'mazing TS... The boy is out of this world, lol!

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