Crime Widespread riots after Death of George Floyd V.3, Do you support the Army being called in?

Do you support calling in the U.S. military to supplement city police forces?

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I thought by yesterday, we'd see more drastic measures being taken from the cops against the looters

In most of the places where the worst rioting is occurring, the policy is to let them riot for a few days and hopefully things will burn themselves out. The key time to take drastic measures with this kind of rioting is up front, before they gain momentum.
American schools are roughly the highest funded in the entire world. Inner city schools get some of the highest funding in America. Every student has access to universal language translators, every book ever written, every magazine ever written, every scientific journal ever written, every newspaper every written, in every language, every course from every subject k-graduate level materials for free. Yet you have students coming out of urban schools where kids can't even read beyond kindergarten books or do algebra. Are school resources actually the problem or are they just a scapegoat so you don't have to look at broken families that can't/ don't make their kids study?

School Defends Principal in Controversial 'Gang Sign' Photo

So my former bandmate from Oregon asked me to join the "revolution". I asked him how many people in the Oregon cell know how too shoot a firearm, he said only 2 out of 44 Anarchist members. I asked him again what would happen if the cavalry comes in and sweep this movement, he said in a stuttering manner "then we will disperse and re-strategize".
He told me that the ANTIFA, Marxist-Leninists/Communists and Anarchists are piggybacking on this BLM protest so I asked him how can you get this shit done when you're all have different goals? he said that it doesn't matter since they need to capitalize on the moment at hand. I told him if he needs a job, my farm is open for him.

We were playing in a feminist thrashcore band called Gay Piss Scene back in 2011.
Biden don't care about any of that. Only thing he needs to know about a black man is who is he voting for. Once he's got the vote, he could care less if the man's neighborhood is burnt down.
Right on, just noticing a likeness between "If you're still deciding who to vote for you ain't black" and "If you own a store as a black person, you've made purchase into the white man's racist free market, and you ain't black and we will not feel guilt for looting or torching your hateful store"
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All the Biden stupidity really makes me want to join politics just so I can purposefully say stupid shit lol. My own dad wants me to run for something, as does my fiancee.

My heart says to run to at least help a small community, but I really, really just want to say a bunch of stupid shit lol.
Legit question, any history of dance or theater lessons?
Most noise has died down but now there are multiple choppers circulating, can't see them though
Hopefully shit like this doesnt start happening as a result of military....

I thought by yesterday, we'd see more drastic measures being taken from the cops against the looters

I was hoping the same. LA and the rest of SoCal was pretty organized today. They hit the looters quickly. Sadly my wife's uncle business burn down.

To be honest I would like to see video of the cops shooting tear gas like she says. Lots of supporters of the protesters always making wild claims. I would believe more if they used tear gas in the street and it seeps into the houses. Either way it's not good. I honestly believe this wouldn't be happening if they hit this hard from day one.
The scumbag media still trying to fuel the fire

So my former bandmate from Oregon asked me to join the "revolution". I asked him how many people in the Oregon cell know how too shoot a firearm, he said only 2 out of 44 Anarchist members. I asked him again what would happen if the cavalry comes in and sweep this movement, he said in a stuttering manner "then we will disperse and re-strategize".
He told me that the ANTIFA, Marxist-Leninists/Communists and Anarchists are piggybacking on this BLM protest so I asked him how can you get this shit done when you're all have different goals? he said that it doesn't matter since they need to capitalize on the moment at hand. I told him if he needs a job, my farm is open for him.

We were playing in a feminist thrashcore band called Gay Piss Scene back in 2011.
a cop in vegas just got shot in the head. not sure of his condition yet
Came in to post this but I guess you already did and nobody gave a fuck.

"The pair faces a mandatory five- to 20-year sentence."

Do people think they are liberals or conservatives?



Lol no, but I do want to do theater and/or acting to play a villain role. Why do you ask?
Stage/camera presence/comfort and delivering a convincing line are hugely beneficial. Posture, poise, resting facial expression, all that stuff, especially in the HD era. I dunno, no personal experience, just in analyzing.
Stage/camera presence/comfort and delivering a convincing line are hugely beneficial. Posture, poise, resting facial expression, all thay stuff, especially in the HD era. I dunno, no personal experience, just in analyzing.
Good points. Though, I wonder if I'd even have fun thinking about all that in a speech. My public speaking is more like this when I'm having fun lol:

Just a complete tsunami of energy and craziness. Having a "refined" way of speaking would just turn me into another lifeless, robot political candidate haha.
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