Womenz: a megathread. (Merged)

I can tell that you aren't a good person.
Says the guy insulting everyone in the thread for a reason no one can seem to understand that you can't articulate either.
Correlation vs causation first of all, more likely reverse causation, but that's beyond the capacity to for 99% of this forum to understand. For that women too obviously.

I'm curious to your thoughts. I feel like it might be similar to a line of thinking about 'pair bonding'.

Didn't watch the video, but I assume it's alluding to the sleeping around making women chemically unable to pair bond, but my thoughts were that it's more a case of the following men not being able to live up to whomever came before them.

Basically a virginal woman has easier standards to reach vs. an experienced woman that's done things, so the bare minimum won't always cut it.
Says the guy insulting everyone in the thread for a reason no one can seem to understand that you can't articulate either.
Yeah, no reason at all. You're a good family man raised with solid values!

Meh, she's probably right but women have always been loose and whorey, they just used to be more modest about it.
The issue with the philosophy she’s spouting is that there’s more to relationships than just the physical side of it. A chick who sleeps with 10 dudes before settling down really isn’t going to have a harder time staying married than a chick who only sleeps with 2 dudes or whatever. If their relationships don’t work out, I’d be well losing to bet sex won’t be the #1 -or only reason- why.
By saying women have always had sex? Serious question- Are you literally retarded?

Having sex = Loose and whorey

Gotcha, Mr. Family Man. Be sure to tell your loving daughter that.
Shouldn’t you be busy slurping off to Donald chump In the war room ?
So @Ares Black likes this post saying I should be sucking cock but flies off the handle and questions my upbringing because I said women have always been promiscuous?
I'm thinking I'm not dealing with the sharpest pencils in the box here......
So @Ares Black likes this post saying I should be sucking cock but flies off the handle and questions my upbringing because I said women have always been promiscuous?
I'm thinking I'm not dealing with the sharpest pencils in the box here......
I’m thinking you should just stay in the war room where you and the other 5 anti “dems” repeating the same bs over and over .
I’m thinking you should just stay in the war room where you and the other 5 anti “dems” repeating the same bs over and over .
I'm thinking you can go fuck yourself and get lost until I ask for your opinion.
He’s always posted in the Mayberry.
War room is more of his territory. Too serious for this lounge. Probably has Trump MAGA posters in his basement . You probably have some as well along with your shitty domestic muscle cars.
War room is more of his territory. Too serious for this lounge. Probably has Trump MAGA posters in his basement . You probably have some as well along with your shitty domestic muscle cars.
I post mostly in the boxing forum ,ass hat, and I'm not aware anyone needed your approval to post anywhere. I may post here more than ever now, out of spite.