Worst nightmare you've ever had

I'm sure this isn't the worst I've ever had and I don't really remember any of my dreams but I do remember this one. I was walking on a sidewalk and there was a squirrel in a tree that leaped from the tree onto my face and was fucking me up. So now everytime I see a squirrel I'm watching them bitches.
I've died in my sleep.. i've had everyone judge me, i've had those punching dreams, slow dreams, monster dreams, violent dreams etc..

The worst was dreaming i won like the euro jackpot.. billions..

Then waking up to not having won it..

It's a weird phenomenon how some people in their dreams can't throw proper punches. My arms are like noodles anytime I'm in an altercation in one of my dreams and I cannot throw a goddamn punch for shit.

Also in my dreams I can run backwards using all 4 limbs. No idea where that came from.
It's a weird phenomenon how some people in their dreams can't throw proper punches. My arms are like noodles anytime I'm in an altercation in one of my dreams and I cannot throw a goddamn punch for shit.

Also in my dreams I can run backwards using all 4 limbs. No idea where that came from.

Well.. symbolic of helplessness i suppose but it's annoying as all hell.. especially since we sherdoggers are atleast on par with mw mma fighters in punching power..

Well try it in real life and go up stairs.. you'll scare the shit out of people..
Ever had a dream where you can't breath and then wake up and your face is in the pillow? Had that a few times
I had an episode of sleep paralysis when that happened. I became aware that I couldn’t breathe, felt like I was suffocating. I was conscious enough to realize it was because I was sleeping on my stomach, with my face in the pillow. But when I tried to roll over, I couldn’t. I was just stuck in this paralysis, feeling like I couldn’t get air.
I have recurring nightmares about being kidnapped or that a group is coming after me. I wake up in a sweat, looking out the window because it felt so real. The worst ones can affect me all day.
I have recurring nightmares about being kidnapped or that a group is coming after me. I wake up in a sweat, looking out the window because it felt so real. The worst ones can affect me all day.

We are coming for you.. be happy for every normal day.. motherfucker..
In a weird way, it actually does make me appreciate my life more haha

Haha.. yeah man.. some of the more realistic nightmares can really fuck with ones head.. too much unprocessed shit in the mind i guess..
I tend to wake up and not think about my dreams so I don't remember them, some are so vivid and I have experienced sleep paralysis.


I was sleeping, then suddenly awake, it's happened before but this was different. My eyes worked but my body didn't, a dark figure which I look to my right where the door is opens it. I get a feeling of pure fucking terror, and I can't move or do anything. I knew what was happening (I've had sleep paralysis before, very similar thing happened, told that in another thread)

It stood there, I tightened my eyes and fell back to sleep.

And this dream woke me the fuck up in the morning
I thought it was real because it was so vivid
I was in a basement that looked like shit, and there was this white bag filled with trash in front of me. I couldn't move and then a hand started to crawl itself out of the bag and grab me. Then I woke the fuck up and got some tea.
I had an episode of sleep paralysis when that happened. I became aware that I couldn’t breathe, felt like I was suffocating. I was conscious enough to realize it was because I was sleeping on my stomach, with my face in the pillow. But when I tried to roll over, I couldn’t. I was just stuck in this paralysis, feeling like I couldn’t get air.
I've only had sleep paralysis once. I fell asleep at work on graveyard shift sitting in a chair with my feet up on the desk. Security was calling on the radio and i could see and hear it but couldn't move to answer it. I thought sleep paralysis was bs until that. It was scary af.
I encountered a black eyed child. Ive detailed it here before. Fucked me up for a while it was so visceral and indistinguishable from reality.

Also Ive had recurring contortionist dreams. Where they walk on all fours but torso facing upwards. One time one of them was my naked deceased and maniacally grinning grandfather. That one fucked me up too but not as long as the BEC.
I've only had sleep paralysis once. I fell asleep at work on graveyard shift sitting in a chair with my feet up on the desk. Security was calling on the radio and i could see and hear it but couldn't move to answer it. I thought sleep paralysis was bs until that. It was scary af.
Yeah it’s fucked up. I’ve had it happen a few times, but not in years. I’ve never had the sensation of being watched, or creatures in my room, or any of that. But just the sensation of being trapped in your body and not being able to control it is scary enough.
i remember one where a highschool friend of mine floated into my vision, right to left, but he was sitting indian style and was upside down about two feet off the ground like a downward pointing triangle. He slowly floated in and it disturbed me to no end at the time...
I like to be scared and love scary stuff so my bad dreams are 7sually fun. Monsters, ghosts, paranormal I can usually turn slightly lucid and control them. But my worst ones are when I dream of some work stress the whole night and then wake up and have to go to work.
Fever dreams, and it's not even close. I've gone through terrifying sleep paralysis encounters and all sorts of other horrific sleep stage experiences (for years), but nothing legit shakes me like those fever dreams did; they're torture.

They're indescribable outside of saying it feels like being in Hell.

I feel ya man. I once had the flu so bad I thought Bob Barker was in my room asking me a question to win a million dollars. It was 3am so I went and woke up my Mom for help with the question. My Mom was married to a cop at the time, he just grabbed me up, and threw my ass out the room. To this day I bet he still thinks I was on drugs that night.
Last night I had a dream that Belgium attacked France with a new WMD that was like a laser-missile.
I was in my garden with some friend as the missiles were getting closer and closer and they stopped right in front of my house. I was stressing trying to find the best way to hide and cover as the missiles stopped.
I used to dream that I fell from a cliff all the time. It was like Coyote but in real life. Used to wake up immediatly before hitting the ground.


One time I dreamed that my teeth were falling. That was pretty awful.
I’ve had dreams where one of my kids die. That’s hard to shake even after you wake up.
Damn.. I won't wish that on anyone.

It's pretty crazy how you can wake up with a sensation from a dream and keep it for hours. At least that happens to me.. sometimes there are good (like the time I dreamed about fucking a super hot girl I like and woke up super confident.. lmao)but other times you want nothing to do with that.
As a young kid I got a dream where I would get attacked by a dog, but the nightmare was that I had to kill it to protect myself.
As a teenager I got the dream where people were coming to kill me and I'd wake up basically as I was about to die
As an adult I've had the dream of getting crushed a couple times, which the first time was by far the scariest because it was pitch black in the room and I opened my eyes and still didn't get reference of where I was or where the walls are etc for what felt like an eternity.

A couple times also as an adult I've woken up just completely freaked out, having no idea where I am rushing to the window ripping open the curtains in the middle of the night in complete terror trying to figure out where the fuck I am.

So yeah my wife loves dealing with me, luckily it's rare as I don't dream the majority of the time