Would you get in a relationship with a girl that doesn't know how to drive?

I don't have a car nor do I need one since live in a city with excellent and cheap public transportation so why not. I don't miss having to be wary at all times of all the crappy drivers out there but sometimes I do miss cruising around the countryside listening to some tunes.
A co worker started dating one of the hotel maids from Colombia. She never learned how to drive and doesn't want to learn. She's too scared to drive. He has to drive her to work and pick her up because they work different shifts. He has to drive her everywhere, do her errands, etc. because of transportation problems. Her body is fucking banging otherwise.
On the other end of the spectrum I dated a girl that drives like a maniac. She speeds and gets right on people's ass on the highway, its a clinched butthole type of experience when you're in that car.
Wait until you hear about this place called Europe. In the cities they have actually functional public transit systems that get you to your destination faster than using a car; they even have bullet trains between cities. And hear this, they actually sometimes walk to their destination. They have not yet received the American enlightenment of having your life essentially be hell without a car that you have pay hundreds of dollars in payments/insurance/licensing/renewal/gas costs every month to use. Their lives are also bereft of the supreme privilege of having dead suburbs with nobody walking in them, endless ugly boulevards and massive parking lots as far as the eye can see. So sad.
no women know how to drive ffs
lets be real
but they can all ride stick
A co worker started dating one of the hotel maids from Colombia. She never learned how to drive and doesn't want to learn. She's too scared to drive. He has to drive her to work and pick her up because they work different shifts. He has to drive her everywhere, do her errands, etc. because of transportation problems. Her body is fucking banging otherwise.

It depends on location. It is fairly common for people in cities and countries with great public transportation to not learn to drive.
this isn't a problem anywhere else in the world except america.
subways can take you anywhere cheap and fast, in any city worth a damn in europe.
Who said I want a girl that knows how to drive lol?
Not a deal breaker by any means.
Lol give that bish a yearly bus pass or get her a yearly deal w Uber

20 n Colombiana you can't get rid of that
:D the only thing she needs to drive is that D
Unless she is Sofia Vergara, the answer is no.
Sofia vergara drives her sweet pimpmobiles around lol she is actually an impressive broad all round in life.iirc she used to be a taxi driver in colombia on a stick shift.

I had a GF I used to drive to work at 2 am because she didn't drive it sucked ass for half a year I woke up like at 1 am it was very exhausting for me I slept like 3 hrs less a day. never again they have to drive it is so easy to learn too takes like 9 hours in a drivers ed course. If I person cant learn to drive they are going to suck at a lot of things in life.
I live in rural New England where there is zero public transportation and even basic conveniences can be miles away. Hell no, I would not.