Would you prefer being rich and famous, or rich but unknown

Why not bro, money is awesome.

Money is probably the biggest type of power civillian like us can gain in modern life uncle gene. We can do a lot of things with it. What do you think is better than money?
If someone wants a simple life away from all the trouble wealth brings, why not. Not everything has to be gaudy and over the top.

I get your point, but at the same time, if having massive amounts of wealth brings the attn of unwanted eyes and stress, that's an issue that I wouldn't want. Im not saying being poor is the way, but there's a bit of a line where it goes from comfort and under the radar to full on everyone looking at you. That being said, everything really depends on your ability to live in your means, I've seen richer ppl who have absolutely no self-control and live paycheck to paycheck worse than ppl on the poverty line, and thats jsut bad. So long as you know how to control your expectations and live within means, and don't bend to pressure weather from society or a wife/spouse, thats the way
Im Famous among Famous People. Life is quieter this way.
Why not bro, money is awesome.

Money is probably the biggest type of power civillian like us can gain in modern life uncle gene. We can do a lot of things with it. What do you think is better than money?

Gratitude, without gratitude you can never feel satisfied and at peace, regardless of all the stuff you can purchase..
I work every day on Gratitude for all my good fortune…
Rich and Unknown without a doubt. I’d argue that 99% of celebrities view their fame as a downside, that they put up with because of the money
Rich and unknown. Being rich and famous make you an easy mark for thieves here nearly every for celebrity from my city in L.A county does not live here. I wouldn't even want people to know im rich I would look middle class with all the things I buy.
The only way I could be rich and famous is in a state with constitutional carry or some sort of ccw permit and drive around in a bullet proof truck. My house would also be a security fortress too I would hire a company to install reinforced doors and bullet proof windows but even then the threat of an inside job also exists when you are rich.
Famous and rich I would use the clout I can but choose to withdraw. If you are not constantly putting yourself out there or a Ronaldo or world leader people will forget about you.
I am hillbilly rich and everybody in my small town knows it without me flexing it at all. I’d rather nobody know my business at all.
Why not bro, money is awesome.

Money is probably the biggest type of power civillian like us can gain in modern life uncle gene. We can do a lot of things with it. What do you think is better than money?

I have enough money now. I've also seen people create their own misery with the idea, "how much is enough? A: just a little more.".
Fame is a bitch, I don't know if anyone really wants to be very famous. Imagine being noticed everywhere you go. That's fucked.
Fame is a bitch, I don't know if anyone really wants to be very famous. Imagine being noticed everywhere you go. That's fucked.
"Hey, that's the guy who make polls on Sherdog!!! Ask him for his autograph"
Famous here equals to some sort of celebrity with many followers and groupies like musicians or actors.

Both of them has its own benefit imo. Being famous can get you a lot of connection. You can date models and actresses easier than if you are just rich but not famous. You can also build sub par businesses, but have great profits just because you are famous.

I guess the only upside of being unknown have is you can have privacy.


Definitely rich and unknown.
rich and unknown

why the fuck would i want to be famous?