Opinion WTF is going on with Lake Mead?


Greatness isn't Stoked by Compliments.
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty Dire.

These goons have been posting videos over the last month.

Seems like shit is getting real now.

Statistically seems surrounding States will be feeling this.

If this shit keeps up, won't even be able to have Boat Drinks!



Wow, surprised the lake was ever this high

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Saturn is dying. The universe can't continue to expand at it's current astronomical rate of speed. Lake Mead is just a symptom of a much larger problem that humanity will never understand
I know people who moved to Vegas about 10 years ago. I visited that town probably close to a dozen times, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why the city was allowing so many homes to be built. The whole place is obviously unsustainable. I don't understand it.
This has been going on for a long time. I rented a houseboat On Lake Mead in 2000. It was so much fun. Over by the dam there were HUGE catfish, like monster sized. Then I went back a few years later and the water was already receding. I went back 5 years ago and didn't even recognize it. Folks it is a desert. Always was. It is like folks rebuilding in areas that always flood. Stupid.
I know people who moved to Vegas about 10 years ago. I visited that town probably close to a dozen times, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why the city was allowing so many homes to be built. The whole place is obviously unsustainable. I don't understand it.

I heard that there enough rain but that infrastructure to capture rain in the west are low. I know their trying to build more infrastructures to help keep up with growth.
Mostly climate change.


Just don't tell the Republicans who like to pretend climate change is fake while it occurs around them.
I don't think there is debate on the climate changing. The disagreement is on how much affect we humans have on it. Otherwise your "climate change deniers" wouldn't consistently point out the earth has always gone through warming and cooling cycles, multiple ice ages etc.
But don't let me stop you from pushing your false narrative.
I know people who moved to Vegas about 10 years ago. I visited that town probably close to a dozen times, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why the city was allowing so many homes to be built. The whole place is obviously unsustainable. I don't understand it.

Its not really a puzzle

I was just out there a couple weeks ago. It’s very noticeably low. Like extremely low. You can see the outline of where it used to be on the surrounding rocks and it’s down like 15 feet or more.
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The rate the level is dropping seems to be accelerating.

Dropping the length of a boat in a matter of weeks is dramatic.
Nature will sort this all out. It will become inhabitable for large amounts of people and then people we go somewhere else. Eventually we could make uninhabitable areas into like a ghost town museum for a limited amount of tourists. It will be fine.
I don't think there is debate on the climate changing. The disagreement is on how much affect we humans have on it. Otherwise your "climate change deniers" wouldn't consistently point out the earth has always gone through warming and cooling cycles, multiple ice ages etc.
But don't let me stop you from pushing your false narrative.

Well since we should be in a cooling cycle and we are warming and the extra heat recorded is from CO2 which has our isotope signature on it, we are fairly certain it's from us.
Well since we should be in a cooling cycle and we are warming and the extra heat recorded is from CO2 which has our isotope signature on it, we are fairly certain it's from us.
Why do you think we should be cooling? We still have polar ice caps. They will need to melt, and raise water levels, then the climate will change more and kick off the next ice age, which is due to begin in about 1,500 years aprx...
And in reality, nobody knows for sure how it will progress. But we do know we will continue to warm up before it trends the other way. Earth's temp in the age of dinosaurs was about 10°C warmer than now.
Why do you think we should be cooling? We still have polar ice caps. They will need to melt, and raise water levels, then the climate will change more and kick off the next ice age, which is due to begin in about 1,500 years aprx...
And in reality, nobody knows for sure how it will progress. But we do know we will continue to warm up before it trends the other way. Earth's temp in the age of dinosaurs was about 10°C warmer than now.

If there were no human influences on climate, scientists say Earth’s current orbital positions within the Milankovitch cycles predict our planet should be cooling, not warming, continuing a long-term cooling trend that began 6,000 years ago.

Edit: Sunspot activity also should of enhanced this cooling trend for the past 60 years I believe.
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I don't think there is debate on the climate changing. The disagreement is on how much affect we humans have on it. Otherwise your "climate change deniers" wouldn't consistently point out the earth has always gone through warming and cooling cycles, multiple ice ages etc.
But don't let me stop you from pushing your false narrative.

When 'climate change' is used within the context of politics, you can safely assume we are talking about climate change that is driven by human actions. There is little disagreement on how we effect it in the scientific literature and consensus, the disagreement is generally only from uneducated simpletons or people who have a vested interest in denying reality. Calling someone a climate change denier means you deny that humans are a primary driver of the current and projected changes to the climate.
Fuck that guy, flying around on a private jet, telling people to ride bikes to reduce their carbon footprint...

Yeah, because a former V.P. should always fly coach. We should cut their security details also.
