WWE -> UFC Crossovers are done


Orange Belt
Apr 14, 2019
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The only person from WWE who successfully transitioned to UFC and won a title was Brock Lesnar, who was also on steroids. Brock got exposed against higher level competition and people his size or bigger. The skill ceiling is even higher now than in 2008, for instance if “Prime” Brock Lesnar fought now he would lose to every single heavyweight in top 15. The mountain is much higher to climb and I don’t think we will see WWE guys being able to transition, marking the death of the WWE to UFC Promotions.
The only person from WWE who successfully transitioned to UFC and won a title was Brock Lesnar, who was also on steroids. Brock got exposed against higher level competition and people his size or bigger. The skill ceiling is even higher now than in 2008, for instance if “Prime” Brock Lesnar fought now he would lose to every single heavyweight in top 15. The mountain is much higher to climb and I don’t think we will see WWE guys being able to transition, marking the death of the WWE to UFC Promotions.
But the crossover can go the other way, and the once in a humankind athlete already proved to us that you could be both UFC champ and WWE champ

Khabib vs Spike Dudley would have been epic. Spike can take an unreal amount of punishment and that man never stops.
im afraid mr.khabib wont be able to show anything he got since he would be put through the table inside first couple of mins by some military themed rednecks from around the corner

@triplehofficialwwe make it happen
It does seem to be going more the other direction recently, the WWE using ex MMA fighters for some credibility.

I mean that in itself isnt new, it happened way back with people like Ken and Frye plus has always been popular in Japan.
Brock could be champ even in today’s heavyweight division. Heavyweight was actually more skilled back then. Now we have brawlers like Derrick Lewis getting title shots.

Any athletic guy with a wrestling background always would be elite in any division
Brock also was never “exposed” he literally won the belt without any experience within a few fights at the highest level. By the time he fought Carwin and Cain he had diverticulitis, Cain is arguably the greatest heavyweight in ufc history. Reem was even more juiced than Brock. Losing to Cain or Reem at that time doesn’t expose anyone
Most pro wrestlers don't give a fuck about the ufc.. why would they go there to make less money?

Brock in his prime would dummy a lot of these atrocious HWs
It would have been fun to see Lesnar v Lashley in MMA. They both debuted in the same year, too.
Brock crossing over and winning a belt was an anomaly then and it would be now. National champion wrestling pedigree, enormous and tremendously physically gifted, reasonably young enough to make the transition. Brock’s a pretty rare dude. While the meta seems to have shifted as strikers have learned better ways to keep the fight standing someone like Brock would still pose big problems.