Your heavy bag gloves

So they're really just there to protect your skin and provide minimal support?
I got these

I got the red in 14oz and yellow in 12oz
I like traditional bag gloves better than full boxing gloves because it forces you to use correct punching technique. With big boxing gloves you can get away with sloppy technique, but with traditional bag gloves you will hurt yourself.
We have a winner....use traditional bag gloves...your technique will thank you
Yes, when you use the small bag gloves, you connect correctly with your knuckles. Or at least you are forced to.

Those were the only pair of gloves i owned when i started out, a pair of windys, it hurt a bit to hit the bag, especially with hooks, but i eventually learned how to hit the bag properly.
Ryukyu Damashi made me feel better with his post. Reading the Stand-Up and Gear & Equipment sub-forums, I was almost led to believe that I was doing something wrong by only using traditional bag gloves on the bag as opposed to 12-16oz training gloves.

With that said, my former pair were the ones I bought at Kaewsamrit -- maroon in color with a beautiful design. They were (and are still) great gloves. However, nothing beats these, and they are what I am using currently:


Though I wish the picture was bigger.
I think if you are low on cash, all you need are a pair of 12-14oz gloves and you can do everything with them.

As for myself i use the light bag gloves for light bag work, clinching, working kicks etc.

I have 12oz that i use the most, for bagwork, padwork, partner drills, light sparring, nearly everything.

and i have 16oz gloves that i use for hard sparring.

It may also depend on your size too. as far as i know, gloves go up to 18-20oz. But that is just excessive for me.
Pinoy Badboy:

Is it that you come to an agreement with your partner beforehand on whether you want to practice "light sparring" or "hard sparring", and then pick out the most suitable pair of gloves?

I know it's off-topic, but I found that interesting.
Usually i know when it's hard sparring because our coach tells us to put on our headgear. And that's our queue.

If it's just light sparring, kick sparring, clinchwork, etc. we don't wear headgear, so i just keep the same gloves on.

Our sparring is usually well observed by the coaches, so they control everything, they watch our weaknesses/strengths, make the matchups.

If we aren't sparring in the presence of the coaches, more than likely it'll be light.

the exact same gloves buakaw is wearing in this poster in 14 oz.
I have fairtex traditional bag gloves for every thing (bags, padwork) ...except for hard sparring...I have 18 oz Twins for that.
I use eithe the Fairtex NHB sparring, or Fairtex 16 oz training for all pad and bag work. I have a softer pair of Boes for sparring