Your MMA clothing line

Amy Robinson

Amateur Fighter
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry if this has been done before, but I've never seen a thread about it. So I was thinking if about if I ever started my own mma clothing company what I would call it. I always liked the name FightLife, even tho now theres a mma store called that. I'm sure you fellow gear fanactics have thought about this too, and I thought it'd make an interesting thread. So what are all your companies called?
i'm afraid to post my idea.. cuz then somebody might steal it!!!!:eek:

o yeh.. and i been dreamin up short designs too in my spare time.. but i'm afraid to post it cuz then somebody might steal it!!!!!!!:icon_chee

but they're really just color schemes for shorts.. nothing really too dramatic...
Lé Foz

it has an air of french sophestication, and ofcourse, an aspect of the foz.


OWNED~!!1! athletic apparel has nice ring to it. :D
HungLikeADonkey Fightgear
NotAFag Fighter LTD.
Drunk-And-On Drugs Athletix

LOL, I like Rickson by Armbar, although Rickson might be trademarked.
Low Blow
5k Clothing (Five Knuckles)

bleh just some stuff off the top of my head.
KillaKix said:
HungLikeADonkey Fightgear
NotAFag Fighter LTD.
Drunk-And-On Drugs Athletix

I like the first one. HungLikeADonkey MMA Condoms.
1blazeon said:
i think he was trying to find another way to say nogi.


thats clever. lol.

ha. see what i get when I stay out till 6am partying :(
