Critique My Deadlift Form Please

People treat strength training like some fucking mystical entity that is only available to the chosen few. Those chosen few, my friend are the people who could navigate through the bullshit, who stopped making excuses for their shortcomings, soaked in the knowledge from those before them, committed to a process and put in the hard work. Most of what I read here today (and not only here) are the grumblings of an entitled generation who want an exercise that is easy to do with as little discomfort as possible but will provide gains with as little effort as possible.

So I make excuses and haven't committed to a process because one day I decided to strap instead of continuing to mix grip.

Oh boy, the idiocy and the entitledness.
So I make excuses and haven't committed to a process because one day I decided to strap instead of continuing to mix grip.

Oh boy, the idiocy and the entitledness.

No it was a general observation about the state of affairs today. I didn't even mention straps in that post. The situation about straps is simply an example. Something like the using or not using of straps can effect the way one deadlifts. The dude is asking for help on the deadlift and is ignoring what people are saying because he just wanted people to tell him he's doing fine and to keep up the hard work, etc...
I mention my grip because I want to track my grip, weird, ha? I can hold on to much more than my max if I go over/under, I just don't do it. I can double overhand near my max too, but not for reps. Grip strength isn't an issue. And that's gripping the bar on the smooth part. But hey Jim you checked mu log! I'm sure you now know more about myself than me.

Candito switched to hook grip. Layne norton hook grips. And Brad Ghillingan. And Steve Goggins. The setbacks of the mix grip are well established.

Starting Strength says you work your grip in the ramp ups. And well, a lot of other people too. But hey you think holding on to a bar until you can't isn't grip work, so whatever.

I'll leave a video and a quote from Greg Knuckols at that will be it regarding Jim (btw Greg is stronger than you, more knowledgeable than you and less of an idiot than you):

"For most people, most of the time, you should use straps as often as you want to or need to, and quite a bit more often than people typically do"

It's pretty easy:

1.- Mix grip increases the risk of injury on the biceps, my back, and throws my technique off (mine and a lot of sumo pullers).
2.- I can't be bothered to hook grip, and there's no benefit to it.
3.- Straps have no downfall, so I use them.

- You don't use straps sparingly. You rely on them heavily.
- You just named 4 guys out of...everyone.
- The setbacks of the mixed grip exist, but as has already been explained to you, aren't really a big issue. Where are all the back and bicep injuries attributed to mixed grip? Injuries will always happened. You might tear a pec benching. You might tear a quad squatting. I've seen someone tear a bicep doing preacher curls with a 20lb dumbbell. Fuck off with the "setbacks of mixed grip" argument.
- Yeah, of course your grip is getting worked. That doesn't mean it's great grip work. I switch to mixed grip at 315 and I've never had grip issues in my life. Why do I do it? Because I can move the bar faster. I doubt I can pull much over 405 DOH. Starting Strength contains quite a bit of info I wouldn't listen to.
- Nice work cherry picking a single quote from an entire video. Congrats. I'm stronger and more knowledgeable than you, but it's not getting us anywhere, is it?

It's pretty easy:

1. We already went over how this is a pretty terrible excuse. Just don't go to the gym period, if you're worried about injuries. How many powerlifters have gone through their entire career without bicep or back injuries from mixed grip? A lot. Throws your technique off? It's already pretty bad. You should work on it.

2. Whatever lol.
Wearing straps to continue a deadlift workout when your hands are chewed up and your grip is shot is one thing.

Using them for all/most work sets is another. Especially at your strength levels.

"1. We already went over how this is a pretty terrible excuse. Just don't go to the gym period, if you're worried about injuries. How many powerlifters have gone through their entire career without bicep or back injuries from mixed grip? A lot. Throws your technique off? It's already pretty bad. You should work on it."

Your just a shitty human being. I wear straps because I dont want to do mixed grip (bicep injury risk) or mangle my thumbs with hook grip. I don't ENJOY it. So if I have to wear weightlifting shoes, straps and shove a dildo up my ass while doing deadlifts I'll fucking do it. Anything to make me enjoy the process and help me live a healthy life. Fuck you for trying to look down on people for not doing exactly what YOU ENJOY. This reason alone makes you full of shit. Diet/Exercise adherence is NUMBER ONE priority for EVERYONE. Since I've focused on doing what I ENJOY I've lost 30lbs and I'm starting to hit my old PR's. So stop with your elitist bullshit attitude. You talk about my attitude, but your fucking cancer.

You assume my grip is shit because I wear straps? You don't see me doing farmer walks. You don't see me working grip specifically. You don't see me grapping gi's for hours each week. In fact when I switched to using straps I found my grip more fresh to grapple with....and since I'm weightligting to supplement my martial arts...(you know punching kicking, choking, breaking think twice before you assume I have a low pain tolerance) The truth is I could easily hold that bar mixed grip. EASILY....but i don't...why....because i don't WANT to....because I don't ENJOY doing it that way.

Now think about what I actually said before you spout some more "my way or the highway" bullshit.
I thought you checked out a while ago. I've moved on, brah. You should try doing the same. Clean break, and whatnot.

That being said, what about my cancer?

Contractions matter.

Your form is still not as good as it could be, because you CHOOSE to wear weightlifting shoes.
Jimmies rustled. Insecurities revealed. God Jim just hurts people.
Also, all that martial arts training sounds pretty risky, homie.

Surely far more risky than mixed grip is to your biceps.
I'd also argue you're a shittier human being for not knowing the difference between your and you're.
I thought you checked out a while ago. I've moved on, brah. You should try doing the same. Clean break, and whatnot.

That being said, what about my cancer?

Contractions matter.

Your form is still not as good as it could be, because you CHOOSE to wear weightlifting shoes.

I had to say something because some kid (like me years ago) is going to read this thread and think he has to do EXACTLY like this fuck head is saying. He will go to the gym, hate the process, quit then die from heart disease in his 30's.

You wouldn't know if its better or not because you've never seen me deadlift barefoot. My morphology could play well to having the hell. Nor does any of that fucking matter. ONCE AGAIN JIM (pay attention this time.....) If I have to wear weightlifting shoes, straps and shove a dildo up my ass to enjoy deadlifting, I'll fucking do it.

Heres how your recommendation should sound for weightlifting shoes or not.

"Hey Kyle, I noticed on the first rep your hips shot up and the bar went forward. Try keeping the bar tighter to you for a straighter bar path. This may be caused by your weightlifting shoes. Those are typically not worn for deadlifts. So try barefoot you may find that to help".

"Hey Jim, thanks for the advice. I actually have tried both and I prefer shoes. I just feel stronger in them. I will never compete in weightlifting so I train for general strength purposes so its not that big of a problem"

*End of Conversation*

But you were so butt hurt I decided to deadlift how I ENJOY deadlifting and not deadlift how YOU ENJOY deadlifting you got all pouty and bitchy.
I'd also argue you're a shittier human being for not knowing the difference between your and you're.

The second someone starts picking out grammar errors I know their giving up. Yeah its a forum on the internet talking to people i don't know. I could give two flying fucks to bother proof reading.
I'm pretty sure I tried the actual advice giving before you broke down and turned into a whiny cunt.

You've done this exact same thing before. I checked the thread from three years ago.

You might find my attitude disagreeable, but yours is too. Just in a different way.
Also, all that martial arts training sounds pretty risky, homie.

Surely far more risky than mixed grip is to your biceps.
It is....but....once again Jim (try to pay attention this time...) I ENJOY doing that.....I DON'T ENJOY mixed grip....
Then you pulled the "I'll let you do your own research" bitch move.

Only one of us in this conversation has a technically unsound, really shitty deadlift.
Then you pulled the "I'll let you do your own research" bitch move.

Only one of us in this conversation has a technically unsound, really shitty deadlift.

Because I didn't care enough to educate you. Go to google and research it. You'll find tons of videos of people pulling 500-700lbs in weightlifting shoes saying they ENJOY them (key word Jim, try to pay attention). You can find an article with Rip stating

"I have deadlifted heavy both ways. In my later lifting career, I switched over to weightlifting shoes and pulled my biggest deadlift—633 lbs—on two separate occasions. The shoes I wore were the old, Adidas weightlifting shoes that had a little heel (about 5/8-inch elevation from the ball of the foot to the heel)."

then later in that article...

"If I have a little heel under my shoe, that places my knee in a position that is a little bit forward, maybe three to five degrees more forward than it would be in flat shoes. This increases the quadriceps’ effectiveness off the floor because it increases the knee angle enough that it allows the quadriceps to open the knee up over a longer range of motion."

Which is EXACTLY what I felt. I felt I could drive up with my legs more. I felt stronger. You wouldn't know. Your not me.

So once again Jim....(for god sakes pay attention this time)

If I have to wear weightlifting shoes, straps and shove a dildo up my ass to enjoy deadlifting, I'll fucking do it.
I don't have a horse in this race, but you sure like to talk about shoving a dildo up your arse.
Then....why do your deadlifts look bad in the video???
People worry about imbalances in lifting too much. In almost every sport, you are going to have a stance one specific way. Most people have their strength in a specific area. Not everything is done equally and perfectly balanced, and the last thing to worry about early in lifting is if your deadlift mixed grip is making you imbalanced.

I went over/under for a lot of time, but the bar would always drift away from my shins on the supinated hand. That threw the lift off and my back wasn't liking the twisting much. Now I strap, the bar travels glued to my shins and everything is better. I wasn't developing imbalances (but people do, Alan Thrall is a good example), but it wasn't working. Now I lift heavier and feel better.

I know mix grip isn't a problem for the majority of people. But there's really no point in it (you do it just so the bar doesn't roll, the same is true for straps), it isn't mandatory, and not doing it can be helpful to same.
Then....why do your deadlifts look bad in the video???

Most people seem to think the first two looked bad....I agree. My hips were too low, the bar was too forward. The weight shot in front of me....I don't think it was caused by the weightlifting shoes because by the 3rd rep it looked fairly clean to me. Could have kept the bar closer still, I'll work on that.

Without any reference to what I look like deadlifting barefoot, you can't say the shoes caused that. Espcially since I fixed the problem mid set (without kicking my shoes off)

Now Jim, what do you have to say about arguing with Rippetoe? Once again, none of this fucking matters. I will deadlift the way I enjoy, so I stay focused and keep going to the gym and making progess. I will not deadlift how you enjoy, hate it, give up and not make progress.

When are you going to man the fuck up and admit your wrong?

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