Critique My Deadlift Form Please

You can get cheap, flat slip ons for around $10.
Its really a question, as is most of the situations that arise on the f13 of accepting the advice and actually wanting to make the necessary changes to improve.
@KylePulley Titans Fitness seems legit and packed with beasts. When is your next fight?
Of course he did.

I don't even get it when someone says they can't afford Chucks. Put $15/week away for 3-4 weeks in a row and you now have Chucks. Magic.
New, out-of-the-box Chuck's are on eBay all the time for $20, especially if you aren't particular about the color.
Edit* yeah im using bitch straps lol I dont like using alternating grip or hook grip so....I do grip work seperate. Don't care if its not optimal, its what I like to do.

Should have stopped reading here, tbh. Straps for 275.
275 x 5 the RPE was prob 7.5

Things ive noticed myself. The bar is a little ahead of me. I drift forward for a split second when the weight comes off ground. Besides that looks good to me. Any tips or ques?

Edit* yeah im using bitch straps lol I dont like using alternating grip or hook grip so....I do grip work seperate. Don't care if its not optimal, its what I like to do.

The bar moves to the position it should be in before you pull. It should come in a straight line up your legs. start with the bar directly under your shoulders.

Secondly, and most importantly, stop using straps for that weight you fucking pussy. What the fuck type of weak baby hands do you have where you can't even hold onto 275? There's no excuse for that pathetic shit, so stop. You should only use straps when you're pulling so much weight that your hands give out before your back, and I'm talking like in the 500lbs and more range. Before that, you shouldn't even consider using straps. Fucking shit
You should only use straps when you're pulling so much weight that your hands give out before your back, and I'm talking like in the 500lbs and more range. Before that, you shouldn't even consider using straps. Fucking shit

I use straps with way less than 500kg because my hands can't hold the barbell and there's nothing wrong with that. Y just don't go over/under nor hook grip so straps are fine.
I use straps with way less than 500kg because my hands can't hold the barbell and there's nothing wrong with that. Y just don't go over/under nor hook grip so straps are fine.
Well, they're not "fine", you just refuse to use a proper grip, for some reason.
Well, they're not "fine", you just refuse to use a proper grip, for some reason.

I'll ignore you're ignored to ask you what's the benefit of over/under or hook grip for someone who doesn't compete.

None. That's the answer.
I've never understood peoples' aversion to simply learning to grip the barbell properly. I understand the need for straps, there is no question they have a role to play. However unless you weight 105 Lbs (and even then...) 275 should be quite easy to handle without the "need" for straps for the normal, functional male human. Jesus Christ my mom pulls 150Lbs+ for sets of 12 and over 200lbs without straps. My 70 year old dad pulled over 275 on multiple occasions without straps.

My post is not a put down, but a wake up. People need to sometimes rethink their preferred approach, step out of the box and try something that has been proven and that works.

The fact you simply do not "want" to make the change should have ended this thread before the first response.

The "I don't compete" excuse is tired.

Again, I repeat, there is a role for straps in training and even in competition. however...
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I'll ignore you're ignored to ask you what's the benefit of over/under or hook grip for someone who doesn't compete.

None. That's the answer.

It took me a minute to decipher your sentence, but I'm assuming you're saying I'm on your ignore list? Makes sense for a guy who uses straps. Cute, though.

What's the benefit? Grip training, big forearms, deadlift set up, knowing I picked the weight up by myself. I had no plans of competing when I started lifting, but I still wanted to pick the weight up by myself.

Also, straps mess up the way some people deadlift. I know a few guys (at least one at the elite level of powerlifting), including myself, who actually deadlift worse with straps.

So...I wouldn't say "none", big guy.