Media Jorge on criticism of 2 punches after the knee: Dont want MMA, go back to soccer

man just said go back to ur pussy sport

for some reason, jorge made that shit look cool fuck, i normally cringe when fighters pull that shit
To me, both Jan and Jorge went too far not with the extra punches or (in Masvidal’s case) the showboating, but by trying to get in their opponents’ face once the fight was over. Rather than tend to an unconscious Luke, which is his primary job, Herb Dean had to instead direct his attention to getting Jan to back away.

Fighter safety should always come first, and once you’ve KOd someone there’s really no need to delay their medical treatment by screaming in their face, especially when they’re not even awake to hear it.
Yeah im sure these things happen on a completly rational basis, where they think it through multiple times and write an essay in it.
I mean come on dudes, this is fighting. And some dudes wont take months of talking down on them with dorky attitude.
Somehow its totally okay to show off before the fight to create an entertaining narrative. (How often have i read here that askren is in his head bla bla bla)
You dont want these things to happen? Than maybe just maybe install some policies that prevent shit talking all along. But im pretty sure Dana likes the extra 10k PPV buys more...
People are stupid it is for this shit the sport is even worth watching.
Masvidal is quickly gaining Conor levels of hate from me :)
Nobody said it when Henderson knocked Bisping into the oblivion and then to whereever...
It is so funny mma is afraid of the big bad football world.
Its sad also.
Mma will never reach 5% of football.
Well we just had Askren win a controversial decision where he could have been called TKO'ed too, then won on an early stoppage, so it's understandable that on the very first strike of the fight that Masvidal is gonna keep going until the ref is there.
I understand why it happens. And I understand the adrenaline rush etc.

But when the guy just drops like a board and is obviously stiff then it's clear the fight is over.

There was a clear difference between the Lawler fight where he looked like a stoppage would have been justified (yet not that clear) for a second before he recovered.

This time he dropped dead basically. I don't assume most fighters have bad intentions with strikes like these and that it's because of adrenaline but Masvidal certainly had.
It was personal, there was beef, had it been in the streets it would have been 10 more punches and a couple of stomps.
He comes across as a douchebag. I wasn't surprised to see antics like that from him.