Antifa being designated a terrorist organization

In America, these kids are losers who got picked on in high school, and are hell-bent on destroying the American system because of it.

I kinda got the same feeling. Esp after the trump election. I watched their behavior and tried to figure out what they are as persons

they’re like the joker type, throw rocks and hide their hands. Always sneaky, cover their faces and never brave by themselves. They always attack in group. A big contrast with the right wing guys who tend to be big and confrontational. One thing about the right wing guys is that they’re not sneaky. It’s like a pride thing to them

They tend to be on the small size 150-160lbs most likely computer/tech savvy. There’s a video of the umbrella man, he fits the mold. There was another little guy wearing all black going around smashing cop cars, he was barely taller than the cars. When caught he flipped you off with a joker smile.

these protestors should have just tackled and beat the hell out of them because they destroyed their cause
I kinda got the same feeling. Esp after the trump election. I watched their behavior and tried to figure out what they are as persons

they’re like the joker type, throw rocks and hide their hands. Always sneaky, cover their faces and never brave by themselves. They always attack in group. A big contrast with the right wing guys who tend to be big and confrontational. One thing about the right wing guys is that they’re not sneaky. It’s like a pride thing to them

They tend to be on the small size 150-160lbs most likely computer/tech savvy. There’s a video of the umbrella man, he fits the mold. There was another little guy wearing all black going around smashing cop cars, he was barely taller than the cars. When caught he flipped you off with a joker smile.

these protestors should have just tackled and beat the hell out of them because they destroyed their cause

Want a good laugh? Check out their reddit page. Anarchism has to be the least well thought through political ideology ever.
I kinda got the same feeling. Esp after the trump election. I watched their behavior and tried to figure out what they are as persons

they’re like the joker type, throw rocks and hide their hands. Always sneaky, cover their faces and never brave by themselves. They always attack in group. A big contrast with the right wing guys who tend to be big and confrontational. One thing about the right wing guys is that they’re not sneaky. It’s like a pride thing to them

They tend to be on the small size 150-160lbs most likely computer/tech savvy. There’s a video of the umbrella man, he fits the mold. There was another little guy wearing all black going around smashing cop cars, he was barely taller than the cars. When caught he flipped you off with a joker smile.

these protestors should have just tackled and beat the hell out of them because they destroyed their cause

Yep they're pussies. 25 yr olds riding around on skateboards listening to Wu Tang clan lololol....
They have several. MSNBC, CNN, BBC,...
Stickin it to the libs.

Want a good laugh? Check out their reddit page. Anarchism has to be the least well thought through political ideology ever.

It was a decent enough ideology originally for the largely rural, peasant-class farmers who were mostly responsible for putting it forth.

Never understood why a bunch of city rats accustomed to living in a hive, where practically everything is handed to them, would think that there's any sense in being an "anarchist" though. Obviously they'll be the first ones eating dirt in an anarchic situation, considering they lack any of the skills that are required to survive on your own, without society's constant aid.

What most of these people want is Communism anyway. "Anarchy" is just about bringing down the current social order so that it can be replaced with the one that they desire.
It was a decent enough ideology originally for the largely rural, peasant-class farmers who were mostly responsible for putting it forth.

Never understood why a bunch of city rats accustomed to living in a hive, where practically everything is handed to them, would think that there's any sense in being an "anarchist" though. Obviously they'll be the first ones eating dirt in an anarchic situation, considering they lack any of the skills that are required to survive on your own, without society's constant help.
lol "dude who lives in the woods rants to internet fascists about random protesters and they eat it up because they have a norse fetish". Such a pro! lol

So those against ANTIFA are internet fascists? Really? Because we're against antifa? Yeah behind their violence and jumping innocent people they have some utopia of freedom but their tactics are disgusting. So yes fuck antifa...and their supporters.

Also down playing ANTIFA makes as much sense as downplaying people who want actual supremacy.
So now it's the severity of the act committed that determines if someone is a terrorist? So if McVey's bomb didn't detonate he wouldn't be a terrorist in your eyes?

Are those methods even allowed on US soil though? From what I understand the United States has to do that to foreigners and off of the United States, remember the American that fought with the Taliban against the United States? He couldn't even be held indefinitely because he had rights as a US citizen even though he was detained on foreign soil initially. The biggest thing that labeling antifa a terrorist organization would do wouldn't be to the members of antifa themselves but would be the ability to bring charges and seize the assets of anyone funding Antifa.
If it was an attempt with the size of the bomb, heck even half the size, of the bomb McVeigh exploded that would be a clear act of terrorism. Has Antifa done that? Mostly I see property damage and some assaults. Shitty but come, terrorists?
If it was an attempt with the size of the bomb, heck even half the size, of the bomb McVeigh exploded that would be a clear act of terrorism. Has Antifa done that? Mostly I see property damage and some assaults. Shitty but come, terrorists?

They’re literally the fucking definition.

Learn to pronounce

  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
If it was an attempt with the size of the bomb, heck even half the size, of the bomb McVeigh exploded that would be a clear act of terrorism. Has Antifa done that? Mostly I see property damage and some assaults. Shitty but come, terrorists?
People said they brought pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.

don’t underestimate them. The Unabomber was an anarchist. You’re gonna have big problems with thousands of Ted Kazinski’s running around

Antifa = Unabombers
You're going to have jails full of university students and old hippie mothers.

Sounds like the kind of thing one of those countries you hate would do.

McCarthyism is where this leads.
Good lock their ass up
Tell me the republican is not openly supporting fascism. Where are these republicans who are trying to stop the president from over stepping, colluding with foreign nations, threatening to invalidate elections, making open threats of violence, withholding aid from states that have critical politicians, and confiscating medical material for third party resale. From my perspective there are only three possibilities; ignorance, apathy, or acceptance. I don't think it is apathy or ignorance.

lolz @ doubling-down and just believing something's fascist because you called it so.

the irony is that antifa act far more fascist than damn near everyone these days, including actual fascists.
If it was an attempt with the size of the bomb, heck even half the size, of the bomb McVeigh exploded that would be a clear act of terrorism. Has Antifa done that? Mostly I see property damage and some assaults. Shitty but come, terrorists?

mass shooting in dayton
lots of arson
impeding fire fighters, resulting in deaths
the jackass in washington state that attacked a prison or something and tried to blow up their propane tanks

i mean, just off the top of my head. and in the dnc/rnc a while ago, they had pipe bombs and old poop somethings... but i don't know if they were trying to use the shit as toxins or what.
lolz @ doubling-down and just believing something's fascist because you called it so.

the irony is that antifa act far more fascist than damn near everyone these days, including actual fascists.
Hey man, if that drug-addled tent junkie in Portland says you're a fascist, then who am I to second guess them?
Antifa isn't a group. What's to stop the government from labelling anyone they don't agree with as Antifa and detaining them as a terrorist?