Climate Change


Black Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 25, 2002
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The most significant difference between the scientific process and typical human thinking is the quest for falsification.

It's human nature to try to verify ones own beliefs, but science is mostly about trying to disprove an idea.

I saw a YouTube interview. And a guy said that the UN and governments give 2 billion dollars a year to scientists to research that Climate Change is because of humans.

I think that UN and governments believe that Climate Change is because of humans. And they give a lot of money to scientist to verify their beliefs. But that is not falsifiability.

And also, the scientist then also have an incentive to prove that Climate Change is done because of humans. So, that also seems wrong. Scientist should have the incentive to find the truth. They should chase the truth.

I am scientific illiterate. So, I could be wrong.


Edit (a poster in this thread wants me to post the video of the YouTube guy in the OP)

So, here is the video of the interview.

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I think you might be onto something...I used to work for a women, she was a trust fund person...Every year she had to spend X amount of dollars on property maintenance and upkeep...
If during a year she spent less , the trustees would re-evaluate the required allowance...
Needless to say year in and year out, the required budget never went down, no matter what the truth was..
That’s funny; I believe that the research overwhelmingly shows climate change is a real and humans contribute, but congressional Republicans will never admit it because they receive far too much money from Big Oil.

I do not know how the climate works, but the earth is more than 4 billion years old. And before there where humans on earth the climate was also changing.

So, are humans really changing the climate or have a big impact on it?

Before humans used oil on a large scale. There were also ice ages and periods of warm temperature.
Did you not just create a thread about becoming scientifically literate?


I took the quote and my answer to that quote from that thread and made this thread. Because I did not get an answer in the other thread.

And there are a lot of intelligent people in here. So, I made the thread here.
I do not know how the climate works, but the earth is more than 4 billion years old. And before there where humans on earth the climate was also changing.

So, are humans really changing the climate or have a big impact on it?

Before humans used oil on a large scale. There were also ice ages and periods of warm temperature.
Before debating that, could you update the OP with your source? I’m wary anytime a post begins, “I saw a YouTube interview...”. Could you post a link? Anyone can make a YouTube video, so if I watch YouTube I ask myself:
-Who made this video? Is it some random jackwagon or an actual news source?
-Is that news source considered factual? (i.e., minimal bias, few failed fact checks)
-Is the video only espousing a viewpoint, or is it presenting actual data (such as statistics)?
-Where did the data come from? Can I fact check it? Is it independently verifiable? Is it from a controversial study, and there are rebuttals I could read? Are there criticisms of it academically speaking? If so, from whom?
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I took the quote and my answer to that quote from that thread and made this thread. Because I did not get an answer in the other thread.

And there are a lot of intelligent people in here. So, I made the thread here.
Well let me help you with your scientific literacy,

Do NOT get your information from random YouTube videos, read actual scientific peer reviewed papers. Profit.
I saw a YouTube interview. And a guy said that the UN and governments give 2 billion dollars a year to scientists to research that Climate Change is because of humans.

I think that UN and governments believe that Climate Change is because of humans. And they give a lot of money to scientist to verify their beliefs. But that is not falsifiability.

And also, the scientist then also have an incentive to prove that Climate Change is done because of humans. So, that also seems wrong. Scientist should have the incentive to find the truth. They should chase the truth.

I am scientific illiterate. So, I could be wrong.


No way a guy in a YouTube video said that!!!!!

Before debating that, could you update the OP with your source? I’m wary anytime a post begins, “I saw a YouTube interview...”. Could you post a link? Anyone can make a YouTube video, so if I watch YouTube I ask myself:
-Who made this video? Is it some random jackwagon or an actual news source?
-Is that news source considered factual? (i.e., minimal bias, few failed fact checks)
-Is the video only espousing a viewpoint, or is it presenting actual data (such as statistics)?
-Where did the data come from? Can I fact check it? Is it independently verifiable? Is it from a controversial study, and there are rebuttals I could read? Are there criticisms of it academically speaking? If so, from whom?

Someone add a climate change chapter to the stupid ass religion books so the idiots won't be deniers anymore.
Climate change IS your stupid ass religion.

Funny how the left have had such disdain for and desire to tear down religion, and then promptly replaced it with exact replicas, all the way down to original sin, heaven, hell, prophets, saviors, devils, confessional, repentance. We seem to be in the inquisition phase currently, trying to weed out the heretics and demanding that the government force compliance on everyone.
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Climate change IS your stupid ass religion.

Funny how the left have had such disdain for and desire to tear down religion, and then promptly replaced it with exact replicas, all the way down to original sin, heaven, hell, prophets, saviors, devils, confessional, repentance. We seem to be in the inquisition phase currently, trying to weed out the heretics and demanding that the government force compliance on everyone.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused by this. What part of climate change is a religion?
I saw a YouTube interview. And a guy said that the UN and governments give 2 billion dollars a year to scientists to research that Climate Change is because of humans.

I think that UN and governments believe that Climate Change is because of humans. And they give a lot of money to scientist to verify their beliefs. But that is not falsifiability.

And also, the scientist then also have an incentive to prove that Climate Change is done because of humans. So, that also seems wrong. Scientist should have the incentive to find the truth. They should chase the truth.

I am scientific illiterate. So, I could be wrong.


Edit (a poster in this thread wants me to post the video of the YouTube guy in the OP)

So, here is the video of the interview.

Are you suggesting that monetary incentive could sway scientific consensus?
“How dare you”..
That’s like accusing priests of molesting children...
Sorry, I'm a bit confused by this. What part of climate change is a religion?
The entire thing. An inconvenient truth is just the book of revelations. We're all climate sinners who need to confess and repent to avoid hellfire.

People are inherently religious, so getting rid of traditional religion leaves a nice big hole to fill and we already have the template.
It’s a hoax just like coronavirus.
And just like coronavirus, the alarm has been ramped up inordinately to cram down solutions that have done more damage than the thing they were supposed to solve, and still didn't work. Good example. In climate utopia, every year could be like 2020. Dare to dream.
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