Political Betting Thread

Don't take me seriously.

I didn't attack you. I responded to a post you made that quoted my post on why I think Hiden will be replaced with evidence showing he does interviews in which he knows the questions b4 and still needs a script.

Like it or not, the guy is a mess. You might think Hiden is a nice guy, but he kicked off his campaign with a vicious lie that trump referred to nazis as nice people. His running mate has a terrible record as an AG, and did cruel things. But you believe what you want.

You are very emotional about all this as is the other guy.

It's not my fault that the dnc has been fomenting division in the usa for years, the results of which are coming to light now, and have chosen a terrible presidential ticket.

If you cannot handle Pro trump info, that's your problem, not mine.

Upto now you have brought nothing of any use to anyone here.

Please show me where I where mislead anyone with my posts. I used my info and judgement and started buying trump at +170, he is now at +105. Using my info was profitable. I have stated already, I am not sure whether I will let my bets ride till after the election, or buy out if them prior, as upto now, I am not sure who will win. There are other posters far more bullish than me on trump's chances.
Again, you are mistaken. I only quoted you with regard to the statistics of someone resigning as a US. President. I have zero problem with you liking trump. My comment about the thread being more of a propaganda thread than a betting thread did not quote you, and is what prompted your response to me.

I simply think this should be a non-biased betting thread. Putting a bit of opinion is posts is fine, but the thread is certainly no longer about predicting a winner in a non-biased way.

I don’t have any input with regard to who people should bet on. Last election the underdog in odds and polls won. There are very skilled gamblers in this betting forum, and I am interested in who they will put money on; for the purpose of actual betting and not who they want to win.

You keep repeating stuff about the DNC. I don’t quite understand why. I simply am interested in gambling trends because I may bet it. I have zero interest in being here for political debates.
Again, you are mistaken. I only quoted you with regard to the statistics of someone resigning as a US. President. I have zero problem with you liking trump. My comment about the thread being more of a propaganda thread than a betting thread did not quote you, and is what prompted your response to me.

I simply think this should be a non-biased betting thread. Putting a bit of opinion is posts is fine, but the thread is certainly no longer about predicting a winner in a non-biased way.

I don’t have any input with regard to who people should bet on. Last election the underdog in odds and polls won. There are very skilled gamblers in this betting forum, and I am interested in who they will put money on; for the purpose of actual betting and not who they want to win.

You keep repeating stuff about the DNC. I don’t quite understand why. I simply am interested in gambling trends because I may bet it. I have zero interest in being here for political debates.

All the info you want on this thread is there. Add something to it if you think its lacking.
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Man I’m happy I arbet out of my not-Trump bet. I knew the rioting would get Trump a lot to play with.

Is it just me, or is this more sensible than last time? School Choise can get him black votes? China policy is pretty good again for industrial swing states and probably more than Democrats will commit to even if they have hawkish stand too? Illigal emigration policies seem less obviously populist?

Its a decent agenda imo. If he can get the message out, it will fall on fertile grounds, as the dnc has not only shat the bed, but set fire to it while dancing a jig.
Been looking at the state by state odds. I think there are some okish lines there. One that stood out to me as a long shot was Oregon. Given that Killary's victory there was heavily based on the votes from Portland, there could well be a surprise there when Oregon is polled.

I'm not counting on it, but there has been no polling there that I am aware of. I have put in 1.5u at +640, and am going to see what happens. I could get burned here, as the market is pretty thin, but having a few blocks of the city under siege for months tends to piss people off. The aim is to play the line movement, if any.
NBC also letting Hiden have a scripted 'interview' and he still botches reading from the teleprompter.

At the same time, I can't say the polls are shifting much. But Hiden is sporting and kindly and cares about the little people, unlike trump, who is such a meanie.

If Hiden was a puppet you would see the strings, but you can't, so I guess he is just a muppet.
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Lol congrats @longway you were the first person I saw predict Trump’s linguistic kill shot of Joe “Hidin” before the president used it. I saw he just started using this branding. It’s tough to predict which one sticks but I think Trump is certainly going to keep using this one.
Lol congrats @longway you were the first person I saw predict Trump’s linguistic kill shot of Joe “Hidin” before the president used it. I saw he just started using this branding. It’s tough to predict which one sticks but I think Trump is certainly going to keep using this one.

Yeah, I noticed that the other day, good to know that he keeps an eye on this thread.

Biden s
Been looking at the state by state odds. I think there are some okish lines there. One that stood out to me as a long shot was Oregon. Given that Killary's victory there was heavily based on the votes from Portland, there could well be a surprise there when Oregon is polled.

I'm not counting on it, but there has been no polling there that I am aware of. I have put in 1.5u at +640, and am going to see what happens. I could get burned here, as the market is pretty thin, but having a few blocks of the city under siege for months tends to piss people off. The aim is to play the line movement, if any.
Interesting. Stabbed that too. Biden still not mentioning left wing rioting in his latest speech will alienate some voters for sure.
Small on Trump at 2.1. Biden not addressing Antifa seems like fatal conceit 101 while we have so much coverage of them busting up small businesses. Or at least that's how things seem to me as an overseas YouTube media consumer.

Has Biden commited to any clear anti-China policies or is the stance mainly rhetorical? That's the only thing I've seen from Democrats that they have actually improved since last election. Has there been anything else to get back the voter base in flyover states?
I think the value is currently on Biden. The wild card is how much he can keep it together and not come over as a doddering grandpa when it hots up.

If Biden was 10 years younger I'd have money on him no question. I think the biggest factor that cost Hillary was that people just didn't like her. Biden is a likeable guy but can he keep it together?
I think the value is currently on Biden. The wild card is how much he can keep it together and not come over as a doddering grandpa when it hots up.

If Biden was 10 years younger I'd have money on him no question. I think the biggest factor that cost Hillary was that people just didn't like her. Biden is a likeable guy but can he keep it together?
My impression of Biden is that he's a very neutral character and he seems like a logical candidate after someone like Trump. On the other hand I listen to a bunch of US based podcasters all who seem to be Democrat leaning and I've never heard anything positive about Biden or Harris. On contrary mostly. But maybe it's different considering the Average Joes.
I think the value is currently on Biden. The wild card is how much he can keep it together and not come over as a doddering grandpa when it hots up.

If Biden was 10 years younger I'd have money on him no question. I think the biggest factor that cost Hillary was that people just didn't like her. Biden is a likeable guy but can he keep it together?

I agree, likeability is hiden's only selling point, and its a good one. that's why i was pleased that he picked harris, she is very unlikable and given that most think he will not make it thru his first term, it could cost him some votes.
Just want to warn you guys over a nightmare i am having with betfair atm.

they shut me out of my account wihile i was live betting 10 days ago. they told me it was bc my acccount may have been compromised and said they would transfer my account to another email address.

nothing happened for 10 days, i put my foot down today and my new account was opened. while my cash balance was still there, none of my bets were there, over 20u.

I asked them and they said they cant transfer bets. contact them when bets are settled. wtf

I am now asking for manager and want them to cash out my bets and send me my money.

t@ssers. fcuking nighmare.

what if my new account is 'compromised' as well? how can this be a real policy? its a like a bad joke.
Just want to warn you guys over a nightmare i am having with betfair atm.

they shut me out of my account wihile i was live betting 10 days ago. they told me it was bc my acccount may have been compromised and said they would transfer my account to another email address.

nothing happened for 10 days, i put my foot down today and my new account was opened. while my cash balance was still there, none of my bets were there, over 20u.

I asked them and they said they cant transfer bets. contact them when bets are settled. wtf

I am now asking for manager and want them to cash out my bets and send me my money.

t@ssers. fcuking nighmare.

what if my new account is 'compromised' as well? how can this be a real policy? its a like a bad joke.
Thanks for the heads up. If this doesn't get resolved I hope people will start pulling their money out of BetUnFair.
Thanks for the heads up. If this doesn't get resolved I hope people will start pulling their money out of BetUnFair.

I think I shoudl make a thread. scary shit.
Biden doesn't drop out before November first is -650 on Bovada
The lootocrats have reverted back to their 'anonymous' sources smears. I find that oddly comforting.
Just want to warn you guys over a nightmare i am having with betfair atm.

they shut me out of my account wihile i was live betting 10 days ago. they told me it was bc my acccount may have been compromised and said they would transfer my account to another email address.

nothing happened for 10 days, i put my foot down today and my new account was opened. while my cash balance was still there, none of my bets were there, over 20u.

I asked them and they said they cant transfer bets. contact them when bets are settled. wtf

I am now asking for manager and want them to cash out my bets and send me my money.

t@ssers. fcuking nighmare.

what if my new account is 'compromised' as well? how can this be a real policy? its a like a bad joke.
That is extremely fucking shady.