Elections Biden Surges to 14-Point Lead Over Trump After First Debate

Can Trump come back this big, this late in the campaign?

  • Total voters
Under PA law, those votes have not been counted because the count does not start until tomorrow at earliest. If that claim is true, it is only by accident: nobody knows what those votes are yet.

Also, some counties have said they will not start counting those votes until Wednesday.

PA can't touch the mail in ballots until tomorrow. Some counties aren't planning on counting the mail in ballots until after the in person votes are handled and some not until Wednesday. No one has true PA numbers right now, its all projection and speculation.
This is it?

And whatever knuckleheads were all jizzing over Durham

Did you really think they would charge Obama?

You think like a child.

They already caught an FBI agent falsifying evidence. What worse do you expect them to find (bearing in mind you need an actual paper trail of evidence)?

I’m glad it’s not released before the election. That way you can spin it as political
The president is a politician. You’re don’t doing yourself any favors here.

Although declaring your love for a reality TV game show host is also equally cringe.

lol, nice English. If you are going to call out my “supposed stupidity”, then at least get your grammar right.

Plenty of people loved George Washington, Winston Churchill, Gandhi ... were these people also “just politicians”?
I'm old enough to remember when trump and his fans were accusing biden of fear mongering

and heres Bunker Boy "fear mongering" with 2 deaths

I posted the exact same shit in the 60 Minutes thread when idiots were saying Obama didn't have hard interviews like Trump lmao

Trump gets tossed softballs from OAN and still fucks it up

Yea but Obama was basically lying. How many people ended up not being able to keep their healthcare plans? How many people ended up paying higher premiums if they had private insurance?

It's easy to have a hard interview if you just lie through your teeth.
If you're a masochist and can handle the cringe then watch till the end.

She's also friends with Marina Abramovic, who's also friends with people like the Rothschilds.

