Social What are your personal mask manners?

Oh... Oh God... You're back...

Also I quoted Jesus talking shit about rich people ITT.

Jesus was a Socialist and I think that's neat.

I'm legitimately fine getting banned and I didn't even get to earn these dubs, I thought I got banned then dubbed for explaining how to sell drugs easily.

I legit, and I mean this, think people that brag about making low income workers lives hell for their own self validation are on par with cutpurses and carjackers. They're all the same variety of selfish scum.

The scariest thing in this entire thread is you..
The scariest thing in this entire thread is you..
I could think of no greater compliment coming from someone like you. You literally bragged about making someone's job harder as if that was something to be proud of lol.

You show those kids at Chipotle though! Show them you're a patriot by treating your fellow citizens like shit!
I believe in we versus me so I'm vaxed up and wear a mask in public spaces because thats the law where I live. I also believe in science over memes as well as that science can be wrong and imperfect but its better than believing in some guy in a suit in front of a government or religious emblem.
In the beginning
When the signs started to say masks required, I bought one and wore it in their stores.
For the stores that said masks are recommended, I didn't wear one.
For stores that didn't have any signs, I didn't wear one.

I have stopped wearing a mask in stores. I have gone into Kwik Trip, Walgreens, Little Caesars and Pick N' Save without a mask. It's been 3 weeks since doing this. I have yet to do so at Walmart because I just haven't gone yet.




Not a single word was said to me about it. A worker at Pick N' Save came up to me at the self check out and offered to scan my water so I didn't have to take it out of the cart. Didn't say anything about no mask, though he had one on.

I still wear a mask in government buildings. I had to go to the DMV a few weeks ago and didn't think about not wearing one.


Also still wear one when walking through the YMCA

What are your personal mask manners?
When will you stop wearing a mask? Have you already stopped? Have you started the process?

I have not gotten the vaccine and I will not get the vaccine.

My voting history is:
1. Obama
2. Obama
3. did not vote
4. Trump
5............................................. Can not see a vote other than Republican for some time
The local laws and regulations and customs here dictate that you wear masks in stores and in outside areas with a lot of foot traffic. I would prefer to wear a mask inside stores. Outside, don't really feel a need to, but will follow local custom and mask up when passing other masked people. I'm fully vaccinated. Don't feel my political views inform this, but rather my intellect. My personal politics have gone more to the left in recent years, but I was never a anti-vaxxer type even when I was on the right.
If you want to have a fun time, wear a Biden mask and Faucci is the GOAT T-Shirt, walk around a Wal-mart and just watch people lose their shit.
Trump was not meant to get elected. When he did, I saw peoples' true colors and it was ugly.
Trump showed himself to be a fighter. He stood of to biased news and their talking heads. He didn't take the narrative they had for him.

Voting for him was more than just voting for a man, it was voting against what our society as become.

This is pretty sad. The guy doesn't seem like a total idiot, but it shows how uninformed people can be easily manipulated through the promotion of hatred. And the only major legislative accomplishment of the administration was a tax cut for rich people and big corporations (which went against one of his contradicting campaign promises) so the upshot of all that is just more of the same.

As for the thread, I wear masks where it's asked. Got my second shot last week so not sure if I could yet be said to be fully vaccinated, but I will be soon.
The local laws and regulations and customs here dictate that you wear masks in stores and in outside areas with a lot of foot traffic. I would prefer to wear a mask inside stores. Outside, don't really feel a need to, but will follow local custom and mask up when passing other masked people. I'm fully vaccinated. Don't feel my political views inform this, but rather my intellect. My personal politics have gone more to the left in recent years, but I was never a anti-vaxxer type even when I was on the right.

Yeah, I don't think that political affiliation should matter here at all. But increasingly the right seems to reject a lot of things that used to be taken for granted as universal, such as basic decency, respect, and honesty (not just saying that there are jerks on the right--there are jerks with all views--but that the right has a philosophical objection to those things).
Yeah, I don't think that political affiliation should matter here at all. But increasingly the right seems to reject a lot of things that used to be taken for granted as universal, such as basic decency, respect, and honesty (not just saying that there are jerks on the right--there are jerks with all views--but that the right has a philosophical objection to those things).
Sad but true. Major part of why I left.
If the establishment im going to wants me to wear one, i do it. Simple as that. But anywhere else, fuck no.
It's not courtesy to expect everyone around you to placate your irrational fears.

If you're this terrified of the flu, make the personal choice to stay home.


Wearing a mask around others in public is called being EMPATHIC.
Wherever it's required / around other people.

It's a small piece of material not a hazmat suit.
Wearing a mask if you are going to be within 6 foot of someone you don't know is just good manners.

Some people have shit manners and want everyone to know it.

Person space is now considered about 6 foot. What you do outside of that 6 foot about a mask is up to you.
Didn't wear a mask until it was mandated. But at that time people were still wearing them, I got called out a few times for not wearing a mask.

I would just say I don't need to wear a mask if I already have covid what's the point. Fastest fuck off to fuckville you've ever seen
In the beginning
When the signs started to say masks required, I bought one and wore it in their stores.
For the stores that said masks are recommended, I didn't wear one.
For stores that didn't have any signs, I didn't wear one.

I have stopped wearing a mask in stores. I have gone into Kwik Trip, Walgreens, Little Caesars and Pick N' Save without a mask. It's been 3 weeks since doing this. I have yet to do so at Walmart because I just haven't gone yet.




Not a single word was said to me about it. A worker at Pick N' Save came up to me at the self check out and offered to scan my water so I didn't have to take it out of the cart. Didn't say anything about no mask, though he had one on.

I still wear a mask in government buildings. I had to go to the DMV a few weeks ago and didn't think about not wearing one.


Also still wear one when walking through the YMCA

What are your personal mask manners?
When will you stop wearing a mask? Have you already stopped? Have you started the process?

I have not gotten the vaccine and I will not get the vaccine.

My voting history is:
1. Obama
2. Obama
3. did not vote
4. Trump
5............................................. Can not see a vote other than Republican for some time

I respect the rights of private business and property owners so I wear a mask when there is a sign asking me to do so. Otherwise, I do t wear one. Fully vaccinated and vote mostly Dem.
This is pretty sad. The guy doesn't seem like a total idiot, but it shows how uninformed people can be easily manipulated through the promotion of hatred. And the only major legislative accomplishment of the administration was a tax cut for rich people and big corporations (which went against one of his contradicting campaign promises) so the upshot of all that is just more of the same.
No, he cut my taxes as well and I am not rich by American standards. Why would you lie about that?
It's not that they agree with your stance on masks and don't say anything, they just think you're a selfish asshole with little self control and don't want to get in to a fight by asking you to put on a mask so they can work their minimum wage job without worrying about getting their family sick.
I think this summary is a little unfair, brother. Particularly classifying a stance on the mask issue as "little self control."

You're a smart, and good person. If you parse through the thoughts of those with whom you disagree you will have a better chance of changing them and in doing so, will change yourself.

On the subject of the TS- if it says "Masks required" I'll put one on unless I know the people managing just don't care. I try to find out the general feel for the places I hang around. If it's an important issue for someone I respect their preference unless they're being a jerk about it. Someone who works at the Greenwise I frequent told me that they're going to remove the mandate signs soon. I don't know if that's the case given what I know about Publix, but I do know that the mandate gets officially nullified the second you buy a coffee from them. The oddity is not lost on them either
I think this summary is a little unfair, brother. Particularly classifying a stance on the mask issue as "little self control."

You're a smart, and good person. If you parse through the thoughts of those with whom you disagree you will have a better chance of changing them and in doing so, will change yourself.

It's hard not to see it as just people being babies when their attitude is that people asking them to do something that is an extremely minor inconvenience to help the country defeat a pandemic that has killed more than half a million people is some kind of unacceptable tyranny. These people just seem to have really lost their way.
It's hard not to see it as just people being babies when their attitude is that people asking them to do something that is an extremely minor inconvenience to help the country defeat a pandemic that has killed more than half a million people is some kind of unacceptable tyranny. These people just seem to have really lost their way.
Well there's definitely a lot of whining, you're right. The item I'm examining is where he said that it's a matter of self control. I suppose I could be nit-picking. But I have a hard time imagining any of these situations being the result of someone just not having the willpower to put one on, where they'd agree that the right thing to do is wear a mask but just not be able to bring themselves to do it. I think it's far more likely that the issue is a combination of stubbornness/political affiliation.