Opinion Why are college educated people more liberal?

If you believe in traditional values, Christian values (even if you don't live up to them), believe in freedom and Western society, I think it's foolish to send your kids to college today. Colleges do a good job at brainwashing and telling you what you have to think, not how to think.
Experiences, travel, and education tend to open your mind, which is what we used to call being liberal. Today, Western [higher] education inculcates its pupils, feeding them an ideological diet that is decidedly anit-Occidental. Educators tend to be highly self-assured (aka righteous) who are not skilled enough to make more money or effect change in other ways. It's a perfect honeypot for the victim crowd who can use their position of authority to mold minds. There's a reason middle aged white women make up the bulk of the woke crowd and teachers. We are reaping what Western teachers have been sowing for the last 40 years and it's only going to get worse.

Seems like there are multiple things going on. I personally didn't have liberal teachers trying to influence my beliefs, quite the opposite. But it seems like that's a real thing nowadays.

Getting exposed to different people, cultures and ideas definitely liberalized me. And going to college helps a lot with that.
College would have been much more fun if it actually was Marxist professors trying to indoctrinate us. Instead, I got a bunch of dry lectures about various depreciation methods, confidence intervals and present value calculations, etc.
I dont agree with this assertion, as the statistics flip every decade according to pew research. The political stances of each party have moved also, most 90s democrats could easily be described as libertarian today. Same for 90s republicans.

The working mans party used to be the left, now its the right.

There's no working man's party today. 90s Democrats are like libertarians because that's the direction the Democrats moved after Reagan. They used to be strongly pro union and pro worker before Reagan but then they moved in a pro corporate/deregulation direction while maintaining their socially liberal values. The Clinton Democrats. But the right didn't become pro worker, they moved even further right in response.
It's a fascinating but unsurprising first page.

College exposes people to ideas and people they wouldn't otherwise encounter. This forces them to wrestle with how those new things fit into their old reality. Ultimately changing what they think the world is and should be comprised of.

But even that might be missing the truth. The younger generations are more liberal than the older ones. And the younger generations are more likely to go to college. It might be a simple coincidence without a causation effect. And that makes sense because the biggest ideological gap is between Republicans of the Millennial generation and Republicans of the Silent generation.
Is the purpose of this thread to prove college is a complete waste?
There's no working man's party today. 90s Democrats are like libertarians because that's the direction the Democrats moved after Reagan. They used to be strongly pro union and pro worker before Reagan but then they moved in a pro corporate/deregulation direction while maintaining their socially liberal values. The Clinton Democrats. But the right didn't become pro worker, they moved even further right in response.
There's no working man's party today. 90s Democrats are like libertarians because that's the direction the Democrats moved after Reagan. They used to be strongly pro union and pro worker before Reagan but then they moved in a pro corporate/deregulation direction while maintaining their socially liberal values. The Clinton Democrat. But the right didn't become pro worker, they moved even further right in response.
It all depends in what you consider "pro worker". Do you define it with unions or by ensuring businesses stay in america. By a higher minimum wage or adding more higher paying jobs?

And however you descibe it, they certainly turned out for trump in both elections. I think the modern democratic party has completely lost touch with the blue collar workers.
It all depends in what you consider "pro worker". Do you define it with unions or by ensuring businesses stay in america. By a higher minimum wage or adding more higher paying jobs?

Neither definition reflects the current Republican party. They are all about corporate tax cuts and trickle down economics.

And however you descibe it, they certainly turned out for trump in both elections. I think the modern democratic party has completely lost touch with the blue collar workers.

Only if your definition of working class is restricted to white people.
And they lean poor. Liberal arts degrees are toilet paper
Higher levels of Education tends to lean towards more money made, this is a fact. It’s why I pointed out that data is kind of a conundrum because it’s doesn’t add up.
Neither definition reflects the current Republican party. They are all about corporate tax cuts and trickle down economics.
Because we need the corporate tax rate to be low. Its another part of how we stay competitive and conserve jobs. Any country the practices free enterprise can easily incentivise our best and brightest in every market or industry to make that move.

If we followed every liberal tax and job regulation policy by 2040 we'll have nothing left in this country but a shit load of fast food restaurants and social workers sitting around. Even obama knew better